You'll Get There In The End (It Just Takes A While)Author:
seperisRating: NC-17
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Length: 3:24:31
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Summary: "Spock. Just say 'I don't trust Starfleet not to mess up the only captain in the fleet who I can train up to my expectations and enjoys running into danger wearing a blindfold as much as I do'."
There was a lot of gleeful flailing when
seperis gave blanket permission for podfics the other day because I've adored her fic for many, many years. And I may have been sitting on a recording of this one for a few months. (I promise, I don't do this with every podfic I record!)
So yes, I loved reading this and can't recommend this fic enough! I'm really glad to be able to put it out there for others to enjoy. :)