This morning I drove with Molly to her job, took a bus home. I like riding this particular route, its not crowded and sometimes friendly. As I stepped on an old lady with a squeaky voice said some crazy sounding thing about nucular fallout. She seemed like the friendly kind of insane talking to everybody, so I made a quick desicion to sit down next to her. Mabybe say some things that the other passenger's could overhear to make them afraid of nucular power.
Alas, she was not ready to dialogue. The things that she was saying were untrue and exaggerated and she couldn't respond to the things I tried to say, cutting me off with predetermined statements she had no doubt been repeating all morning. She was nice though. A few interesting things she said/did include:
-When I grew up everybody used to play ball in the streets. No more of that. No baseball, no football, its only going to be radiation ball from now on. (she didn't mind that I laughed when she said, "radiation ball", although I think she actually believed that children would be playing with balls of radiation)
-"its going to be ninevah all over again. Revelation, Chapter 8, 'and the water turned to poison and many died'"
-People don't realize that there's a worldwide chain reaction! If one plant melts down, it'll make every plant around the world melt down, we've got ten, 10! here in Illinois (there are 10, no? Something like that?)
-(to a woman around 60, with glittery shamrock alien headband and all green), "well, aren't you fancey! Thats some fancy gettup! Don't you look all dolled up"
(other woman)"yeah, thank you."
"have a nice day"
-to me after talking about ninevah and the eminent nucular apocalypse, "have a nice day anyway!" (cheerfully)
-I've got a daughter in California, I hope that she gets inland. I hope that she gets in her car and just drives.
-"I've got a nephew, he's retarded, you could give him a c.d. and he wouldn't know what to do with it. He's a sweet kid anyway.
hope to see her again.