FUCK! What the hell, it hurts, I... My stomach... What the fuck did you assholes DO TO ME!?
[Ordinarily, even the hotheaded Revy is intelligent enough to know that there are certain people in Roanapur you just don't piss off, ever.
Today, however, the circumstances are a little different, and so she feels justified in
venting a little. Her voice comes in ragged gasps.]
Hey... Balalaika? And all of you other commie Glorious People's Revolution assholes? Quick heads up, I just had a thought I'd like to share with you guys, no worries, but uh, I think it might be possible that BULLSHIT LIKE THIS IS WHY NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU GUYS!
[The exertion of screaming leaves her feeling woozy. She leans back against the wall, eyes closed, trying to will herself back into good health.] Oh, fuck. That hurts. This hurts. This fucking hurts.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that... Mayfield is any better, of course, but at least they didn't make me try to eat my fuckin' vegetables! What is this place... my fucking mother!? And then they took- something- I don't know, something's missing in me... what is this, a punishment for bein' a bad little worker? Heh... heheheheh.... I'll go ahead and "sample" beets, sure, but first, mister Glorious People's Leader Ivan Fuckhead Limpdick Dipshit, why don't you go ahead and sample MY BOOT UP YOUR- [she was going strong, but her voice cracks as she clutches her stomach.] ...ass.
[She tries to collect herself, and fails. She hates pain, she hates getting hurt, but this is worse- only a dull, aching scar masking what she's lost.]
...Think I'm giving up? Think I'll take the bullet's way out? Not gonna happen, you commie fucks. Worse shit than this goes on in Roanapur on a daily basis. You hear me? [She grits her teeth. Giving in and doing what they want boils her blood, but worse would be sitting here letting them pick her apart until there's nothing but bones. They want her to sample some beets? Then she's going to sample some motherfucking beets.
...That is, she would if she knew where to get them.]
Hey, Rock.
Go get me some beets.