(Yes, I know - a lot of Connor. But I am very proud of the mushroomifying sequence. And I think it's hard to have too much Connor, right?)
A business man - some kind of stock market guy? - yells on the phone to his assistant. The assistant is picking up papers from Stock Market Guy's flat when he sees an Anomaly, mistaking it for an art piece. As you do.
His phone gets sucked into the Anomaly and he goes after it, coming out in a forest. On a mountain. He touches some fungus - as you do - and it spits spores at him.
He steps back through the Anomaly, already sick, and chokes down the phone at SMG. (His name is actually Sir Richard, but I shall continue to call him SMG, because it makes me think of Buffy.) The assistant then throws up a strange black dust all over the floor before falling back through the Anomaly, which closes. Behind him, fungus starts spreading all over the apartment.
Lester walks through the ARC and comes across Connor, who's set up home in a lab.
"Do you always bring this much stuff to work?"
"Yes. I like to be prepared."
"I know some of the Creatures can be frightening, but, um - surely this many pairs of underpants is overdoing it."
I reckon Lester twigged straight away and he's just messing with Connor. Look at the look on his face there...Why didn't Connor close the lab door?
Lester leaves and Connor drags on his shoes, just in time for an alarm to start going off. Not the Anomaly Alert, though. This is more like that car alarm that goes off at twenty past three in the morning and keeps going off until sometime the next day...
Connor checks a pet crate. Nancy is still in it, but Sid has chewed through and run off somewhere. If the Diictodons are pack animals, why have they split up?
Becker tells Jenny that they've picked up an intruder in Section Seven. Ha, evil section seven from Star Trek! Connor arrives and tries to figure out, without asking, if it's Sid. Becker would recognise Sid, surely, he was there when Connor found him.
Jenny's suggestion is Helen. She orders the men to shoot on sight and Becker kicks the door open.
It's Danny, of course.
"You really need to do something about your security."
Becker is Not Amused. Connor is, though.
We get a lovely shot of the ARC symbol in the centre of the Hub.
Lester is questioning Danny in a room above the Hub, with Jenny and Becker standing over him.
Danny got in by jumping a fence and kicking in a door. To be fair, if it's that easy, then Becker really does need to do something about security. Danny wants to help the ARC.
"I told you to stay away from this, Danny."
"See, I thought you were flirting. It's so hard to read women these days."
"Can you pistol whip him?...just a thought."
Danny is very determined to be part of the ARC. Does anyone know what a wide boy is? Because whatever it is, Lester thinks the ARC isn't the place for one of it.
SMG strides into his flat. He sees the phone and the circle of fungus, which he pokes at. To be fair, most people probably would in their own homes.
He picks up the paperwork and heads out; by the time he gets to his car he's already coughing, sweating, and freezing.
Connor's looking for Sid in a corridor. Has he just been wandering around randomly? Of course, Sid pops up behind him, chirping happily. This is a great game and he runs off when Connor goes after him.
Connor arrives in Sarah's lab where she's still working on cleaning up the Artefact. She's found a sequence of numbers engraved on it, which he's very excited about until Sid goes by again.
Abby's working on some plants in the next lab he tries. This lab is temperature controlled, she's careful to tell him twice. They awkwardly small talk about their respective living situations - Abby thinks he's staying at a mate's house, although I don't know why since he doesn't have any mates - until Sid bursts through the door and Connor chases him off again.
Becker is keeping Danny - in the Hub, for some reason? The nerve centre of your secret organization, where a smart guy who knows about Anomalies already can see exactly how you run things? Whatever, I'm sure there's a very good reason for it.
Connor comes in looking for Sid and takes the opportunity to needle Danny a bit. They have an exchange about the ADD, which is malfunctioning because Sid chewed a Very Important Wire.
"What does that machine do, then?"
"You're not even supposed to be looking at that machine. It's top secret, innit? But it is brilliant. And, you know, it's completely unique. Well, I bet you're wondering who invented it?...Le Connor Temple."
"Connor Temple. That's...I invented it."
"So...why is that screen jumping around, then?"
Lester comes to complain, but is cut off by an Anomaly Alert. Why is Connor the only person responsible for the ADD? Yeah, he built it, but aren't there other techs around? Surely one of them should have noticed it was broken, Connor wasn't even there!
...I should stop trying to apply logic to TV shows. It just never gets me anywhere.
Christine turns up to visit just in time to see the chaos.
An ARC worker gives Jenny a box of Nick's belongings. Sarah comes by in time to see her looking at a picture of Claudia Brown. Becker calls her for the Anomaly Alert; Sarah offers to cover, but Jenny insists she's fine and heads off.
How would Sarah cover for the team leader anyway?
SMG drives sickly through London.
The team reach his flat. Connor admires the view, which admittedly is very nice.
Abby finds the spores while Connor plays with one of the art pieces. For a given value of art, anyway.
Abby takes a sample of the spores and sends Connor off to analyse it.
Lester gives Christine the whistle stop tour;
"Armoury to your left, gym to your right, research labs through there, and the operations area you already know. Anything else?"
Back in the Hub, (I'm going to keep calling it Hub because that's what they call it later on) Danny is flirting with one of the workers. He looks around as Lester and the others come in.
Christine demands a private word and Lester obliges her, leaving Wilder and a man she identifies as Baker in the Hub. Sarah gets Danny's attention and he follows her to her lab; Baker sidles off after them on Wilder's order.
Christine asks Lester about the Artefact. He's never seen it, of course. Christine changes the subject to Nick's replacement; she wants Wilder to get it. Lester is completely non committal.
Connor and a soldier escort arrive back at the ARC. Testing the spores, Connor adds a liquid, presumably water, (Saline solution, he says later) and it starts spreading like mad.
Connor isolates it and calls Jenny to warn her; she sends Becker to find SMG.
Baker is still sneaking around avoiding soldiers.
Danny watches Sarah working on the Artefact. She doesn't seem to have any actual work for him to do, so maybe she was just trying to keep him out of Christine's way? Either way, he notices Baker pass by.
"If I was still a copper, I'd say that bloke was acting suspiciously."
She stops him when he tries to follow Baker, until he talks her into letting go.
"Why would I trust you, Danny?"
"Because if I was going to cause trouble for you I'd have done it a long time ago, and I've got an honest face."
She lets him go.
Jenny has found out where SMG is going to be, and Abby's found a book with his picture on the back flap. They head out.
SMG now has fungus growing on him.
Baker sees Connor step out of a lab and hurry away.
He goes in and pokes randomly at some things, including the fungus.
By the time Danny follows him in he's practically covered in it, so Danny sets off an alarm and locks him in.
OK. I thought Baker was looking for the Artefact? Why poke at fungus? Also, why did it take him over so quickly and SMG so slowly, but I'm guessing they'll answer that later on. (They don't.)
SMG walks through a train station. He's hiding his fungus-y hand, but it's also now growing up the side of his neck. Why isn't he going to hospital? I would.
Danny and Connor suit up in iso suits while snarking snarkily at each other. Lester, Sarah, and Christine and her entourage come to watch them. Christine tries to pin Baker's death on Lester, who rightly points out that Baker was poking where he shouldn't've poked. He dismisses her and she's forced to leave.
However, she has two people on the ARC's maintenance staff. She tells Wilder to get every inch of the ARC under surveillance, yesterday.
Jenny's team reach the train station. Her team is three people. See, this is the kind of situation where you want loads of soldiers! They ask passersby and check trains until Abby gets a glimpse of a heavily fungused SMG. He's gone by the time they get to the spot.
In the ARC Connor and Danny bicker, completely unaware that behind them, Baker's body bag is moving.
Abby spots SMG again and they give chase. He gets out of the station into an alley, where the sunlight drives him undercover.
Danny attempts to take off his bio hazard clothes, sparking another round of arguing. Sarah, out in the Hub, spots zombie!Baker approaching them and dashes to the window to warn them.
The room's soundproof, of course, so there's some charades before she remembers to turn on the intercom and get them to turn around. Zombie!Baker's out of his body bag and advancing on them.
Connor and Danny pin him with a table while Sarah disregards bio hazard procedures to open the door and let them out. Zombie!Baker, now vaguely mushroom like, can't seem to figure out the door handle, so it smashes some stuff instead.
SMG stalks through a sewer, mushroomifying as he goes.
Jenny's team, now with backup, reach the sewer at approximately this point.
Lester watches zombie!Baker smash things. "Good news, he's not technically dead. Bad news, he's turned into a mushroom."
Sarah suggests drying it out and Connor starts turning the temperature up.
The others wander through a sewer.
Heat is not working. They have no other plans.
More dark sewer.
When the room hits 100 degrees, zombie!Baker explodes.
Connor and Danny celebrate.
Sewers, roaring, torches. Jenny finds SMG clinging to a roof; Becker's guys fire, and SMG infects one before disappearing through another tunnel.
Jenny orders a containment unit for the soldier. (And we never hear anything about him ever again.)
Connor's prepping flame throwers to bring down SMG. Danny is helping, much to Lester's dismay. Connor and Sarah side with Danny; in possible retribution, Lester allows Danny to go but tells Connor and Sarah to stay behind and figure out how to neutralise the fungus.
"You're kidding. I so wanted to fire this!"
Danny heads out.
Down in the sewer the group have circled the wagons to wait for Danny. Becker's feeling all left out because the guns don't work.
Connor and Sarah contemplate the lab. Abby's plants have all died from fungus.
Sid appears in an air duct and Connor goes in to retrieve him.
The camera helpfully reminds us that he is not wearing his biosuit's hood, although he does have the rest of the suit on again.
In the sewers Danny lights up the flamethrowers and, after a brief tussle with Jenny about who's in charge and another with Abby about killing SMG, heads out.
Connor lets himself into the lab, sighing. Everywhere is covered in bits of exploded fungus. He climbs a desk to get at Sid, who runs off, and accidentally knocks a vial of saline into the fungus. It immediately starts spreading again, trapping him on the desk. Sarah watches from outside.
Sewers, flamethrowers, torches. Becker splits the group up to check out different tunnels.
Connor and Sarah realise that burning the fungus just helps it to spread. Connor climbs precariously onto some ductwork to avoid the spreading fungus.
Everyone plays with the flamethrowers to light up tunnels. Sarah calls Jenny but the line is terrible and Jenny can't hear her warning. Danny corners SMG in a niche and the others advance.
Sarah calls back just in time to stop them and SMG gets past them.
In the ARC Connor realises they can use cold against the fungus. He demonstrates by opening fridges and tells Sarah to turn down the temperature, overriding her protest that he'll freeze to death.
Jenny's team have chased SMG back towards the stairs and up out of the sewers.
The lab reaches -15 and Connor hunches in a corner, shivering. Lester and Sarah watch.
A van arrives at the sewers. Who called it? Danny was on his phone, but surely no one at the ARC would take orders from him? And those are ARC soldiers driving it.
Connor huddles into a ball as the lab reaches -30.
From outside, Lester and Sarah watch as the fungus dies off. Connor shakily gives them a thumbs up and the soldiers rush in, hauling him out and throwing a survival blanket at him.
Lester waits for him to say he's fine before hurrying off, ordering a refrigerated truck to the sewers. Also, he calls him Connor instead of Temple. Aw, look, he really does love him!
Jenny receives their new orders, but Danny's not good at orders and makes up his own. He drives SMG into the van and drives it back to the ARC. He has to come back for Jenny, though, when he realises he doesn't actually know where he is. How did he get down there in the first place?
Everyone in the ARC runs around getting things ready. Connor, in only one layer of clothes, runs around setting up cold air blowers - yes, it's a technical term.
Danny and Jenny drive back to the ARC; Jenny brings up but doesn't explain the whole Claudia Brown/Nick Cutter/Jenny Lewis thing. Danny nods along until Connor calls to tell him what to do.
They've evacuated the building and left an open run to the main room, where they're dropping the temperature.
He's wearing a jacket now. Huh. Also, where did Connor get Danny's phone number?
Danny's to hang onto the Creature until they're ready for it. Danny promises him five minutes and the Creature immediately breaks out and goes on the rampage.
Becker and the others meet up in an ARC corridor. Connor passes out fire extinguishers to use to drive the Creature; Abby and Jenny go to the Hub to get more.
Danny and Sarah hear the Creature in the ducts, heading for the Hub. Danny calls Jenny to tell her - and calls her Jen twice in a row - but she's still in there and before she can get out it attacks her.
She blasts it with the fire extinguisher, which just makes it angry. The others pile into the lab to watch as her extinguisher runs out.
The cold gets to her at the same time and she collapses. In the lab the others argue while the Creature gets closer to Jenny.
Danny bursts into the Hub with another extinguisher, getting the Creature's attention. His extinguisher runs out, but the Creature falls apart before it can get him.
On a side note, Jason Flemyng is terrible at interacting with CGI. At least in this ep he is.
Everyone piles into the Hub, where Jenny has been infected. Connor very forcefully makes them leave her until the cold can stop the fungus.
"Danny, listen to me!"
"It's killing her!"
"I know it is! But if we take her out now she's going to end up like that thing over there. Trust me. Please."
The fungus dies
and they hurry her into the lab where they start CPR. Connor and Lester watch, Connor praying
"Not again. Please, not again."
until she jerks back into life. She asks for Nick.
Danny hangs onto her hand until she asks for it back; the others gather around to celebrate.
Sometime later Lester finds Jenny somewhere in the ARC. She wants to talk to him.
Lester invites Christine around to hear his announcement.
"You were right. I am going to need a man just like Captain Wilder to replace Cutter."
"I'm glad you've come around to my way of thinking."
"Oh, not Captain Wilder himself, of course. He's playing much too vital a role on your own staff. But Danny Quinn here is just like him."
Christine congratulates Danny while the others look on.
"I trust that's all right with you?"
"Well, if it's all right with these guys, it's all right with me."
"Their idea."
They then have to break it to him that Jenny has quit the program.
He finds her in a locker room, packing up her stuff. Despite his best efforts, she still quits.
Jenny wanders through the ARC, saying a silent goodbye, before leaving.
Lester finds Connor getting ready for bed.
"Are you living here?"
"...yes. But it's strictly temporary."
He reluctantly allows Connor to stay with him until he finds something else.
"I've a feeling I'm going to profoundly regret this."