even though i know i should be doing my homework, eating, sleeping and other such "important" matters...
there's only one thing i've been doing since friday morning. ^___^ and that is absoultely, positively DROOLING, SQUEALING, GUSHING OVER AND JUST PLAIN STARING AT
ohmydeargawd! in the newest FMA manga chapter, riza has a TATTOO of roy's array!
dearsweetmotherofpearlwithcookiesandwhippedcreamontop! ^____^ of course, besides the implications (the most important, of course, being...SAY IT WITH ME! ROYAI IS FRIGGING CANON LOVE! CANON! :D YESSS!) and mysteries (ugh, the headaches i've been having trying to figure out WHY she has this in the first place! ;__;) this picture presents, you gotta admit...
RIZA HAWKEYE IS A FRIGGING HOT BABE! LOOK AT HER! I WOULD SO MARRY HER IN A NANO SECOND! *tackleglomphuggles* and echoing my friend charisse's sentiments, additional sexy points to riza's being all wet from the shower. ^____^ (and yes, she and roy were MOST LIKELY doing some good old fashioned *something* before that shower. :D wahahahhahahhah!)
dammit, maggie, you're corrupting me, aren't you?! you...you...CORRUPTER! :D aren't the older kids supposed to corrupt the younger ones, not the other way around?! ^_____^;
please be aware that the above link is a SPOILER for those of you read/follow the fullmetal alchemist manga. ^____^ but damn, who cares?! it's a right SEXY pic! so clickie at your own risk! you KNOW you WANT to!