Cuts cuts and bloody cuts. I can't tell Molly that for my department to even exist, they're having to cut my wage again. I can't. I'll...I'll have to go visit dad. Or Bilius. Or someone with money that can lend me some. I feel so...gah, I hate doing this.
How can I even go to my dad and say 'Hey dad, how are you? Yeah, I can't afford to feed my kids this week, so could I borrow some cash?'? How can I do that? because I have to, that's why. Because if I don't, lunch is a thing of the past.
Well, on the bright side, I didn't lose my job. Except I could well being payed by Malfoy's dirty money. Makes me sick, that does. Him, thinking he can control us all with some damned money.
Merlin, when will people learn that the world is about more than money? That having a gaggle of kids hug you around your legs when you get home, a wife that loves you and good friends is much, much more important than any piece of gold.
I'm going to visit my parents tomorrow. Apparently they have doxies. I've told them they can come around afterwards for dinner. I know my dad's a stuffy old man, but it'll be okay, won't it?
Love you,
Is it just me, or am I constantly at work? I don't remember the last time I got a good sit down and a cup of tea, you know? I'd love a sit down and a cup of tea. They don't make them anymore, and it's really quite sad. A Hobnob too. Or perhaps those chocolate covered digestives. Or Rich Tea. By Merlin, do I love Rich Tea biscuits.