It's been awhile...

Jan 19, 2005 15:37

Hello friends! What's new?! I can't even remember the last time I updated so I'll just start talking about random stuff. Alright well, last weekend I went to Disney with the church. It was pretty fun. We ended up going to MGM, which was pretty nice. Tower of Terror and Rock n' Roller-coaster were CRAZY!! *shakes head in random motion* And ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

capital_k January 19 2005, 14:28:00 UTC
Hey Rextard.
I'm very glad you finally updated. and yes... you are a different person now.. and you just keep getting better. And i dont really know about me 'eluding' you. anything but!!! haha you're awesome kid and please dont ever say that i would shoot you for talking about me... IDIOT!!! hahah. i'm glad the status quo is no more. that needed to be abolished anyways! haha =D (p.s canfield is actually pretty fun)

yours truly and forever,
konstantine <3


capital_k January 19 2005, 15:32:59 UTC
girls want boyfriends that have like great skills.. numchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...

Reply are my FAVORITE! rexard_007 January 20 2005, 17:17:56 UTC
Konstantine, you kill me! Well, thanks about the getting better part...I try...I love talking to you and learning new things about you...especially the ones I never would have even dreamed of. *winks* I'm soo happy the status quo is no more as well...praise Alah! Well, keep on me about posting so I'll do it again soon. Take care kiddo.

Sincerely yours,
Clark Gable


Re: are my FAVORITE! mysweetmistake January 22 2005, 18:19:37 UTC
ok that is the cutest thing EVERRRRRRRR
konstantine and clark gable
i want one. haha


senoritaemily January 19 2005, 16:01:23 UTC


capital_k January 19 2005, 17:38:37 UTC
:) yay


deprivedemotion January 20 2005, 11:05:27 UTC
Rex, Rex, Rex, where do I begin man. You need to talk to me. We'll go from there =)


kujomatic45 January 20 2005, 18:59:51 UTC
We'll record something one of these days... don't worry! ;)



miadolfan054 January 21 2005, 11:49:47 UTC
enough with the *winks* and *laughs* and *jumps for joy*

calm down fat man



rexard_007 January 21 2005, 11:55:10 UTC
Feola! How are you big guy?! Nice to find out you have a livejournal as well.


close2thathrill January 23 2005, 08:33:37 UTC
hey itsz dani ... how have you been? are you lykin lely?? barrons okay. well im out - later! xoxo


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