Today was my date time out with Jessica. It was so much better than I had prepared myself for, but you know, I tend to assume crash
I do adore her. We went to a little italian place with a character of it's own, kinda old and very laid back. The waitress was beautifully unattractive and the meals simply delicious. We talked and there were some good smile moments. Then we drove for fresh brewed coffee, and I ordered a cold chai tea, which we shared. We walked, and talked of course, nothing too deep or tear provoking. Just how I like it. Because I'm not looking for anything too deep now, just dating, just enjoying, just simple.
I am currently blasting music, testing out trixie's speakers. I was singing very loudly and would be obnoxiously had any else been in the car with me on my way home. I keep playing the first two Keane songs over and over and have yet to be sick of them.
There isnt much in my mind as of now, my cat just reached up and tapped my shoulder just as a human would and scared some poo out of me. Just thought you should know.
I was happy all day, the irony is that the day before I was in brighter, dare I say "preppy" clothing and today was quite the goth day, yet my moods were completely of the oposite. Dark colors feed my better moods because I feel more comfortable in them. I have never considered myself "gothic" really, just becasue I hate the lables but would probably fit under it from a spectator's eyes. My lit teacher just refers to me as one of the "weird kids." And then we went into a offtopic on conformity and I claimed to be an anti-nonconformist. I have found I take up class time when I am in a happy and therefore talkitive mood. :P I have also made a couple friends in such moods.
I was going to write more, but my Rozy is not laying on my keyboard. I love you all, except of couse those of you I dont.
Love always,