Title: Santa's a lie
Author: rexxkitten321
Pairing: Mark/Tom
Disclaimer: I do not own Tom or Mark, but Travis, that's a different story xD jk, I don't own him either, he's fuggly.
Author's note: I know Christmas is gone and it's too early for this shit! Buuuuut, I has an idea! I is awesome! I has awesome Ideas. But sometimes, I has a ponder!
Summary: Tom's just a small "child" and it's Christmas Eve, he's eager to Santa to come give him presents tonight, but he's torn to pieces when hhe finds out the cold, hard truth.
Tom plugged on the Christmas tree, it was real and smelled nice. He stood beside the large pine tree and inhaled deeply.
He hugged Mark tightly and burried his face into Marks chest.
"Mark! Remember that one time, when my mom and dad were really poor. And then, we couldn't afort a Christmas tree!?"
"Yes, I remember. And then you thought Santa wouldn't bring you presents"
"But he did!"
"Yes, because Santa doesn't care if you had a tree or not, he only cares if you've been naught or nice."
"Hey, Tom?"
"Hey what?"
"Have you been naught? ... Or nice this year?"
"I've been nice! You know that! "
"I know, just making sure!"
Tom smiled and buried his face in Mark's chest. Mark wrapped his arms around Tom and kissed his dark hair.
"Well, I'm tired." Mark yawned.
"Tom, it's almost ten thirty. I'm tired."
"Okay... Wait! Mark! Let me see your phone!"
Mark pulled out his newest edition of the iPhone and unlocked it, "what do you want with it."
"Santa tracker!"
Mark has an app that checks the weather, and on Christmas eve, it "tracks" Santa to see where he is.
"He just left Texas!" Mark said, pretending to be excited.
"That's not too far from here!"
"Yes, his next stop is in California!"
Tom grinned widely.
"I'll go find you some pajamas to sleep in, okay."
Mark stranded off. he came back moments later with a pair of pajamas. He helped Tom change into them then said , "Don't stay up too late!" he turned and walked up to his room.
Travis appeared in the room, drinking a mug of hot chocolate. He pulled it away from his lips and looked at Tom.
"Travis! Santa's on his way to California!"
"Shut up!" travis sneered, " everyone knows Santa's not real, dumbass!"
"Yes he is! He brings me presents!"
"He's not! It's just Mark! I know, I help him. He's hidden the presents that he has for you, and once you fall asleep, he'll sneak down here and put them under the tree!"
"But-but… Santa's not real?"
"No, stupid, he's not real!"
Tom wiped at the tears forming in his eyes. He sniffled then wiped at the spilling tears.
Mark was laying in his bed, hoping Tom had fallen asleep and not stayed up too late. He looked up when the door opened. Tom was standing there, wiping his eyes and sniffling.
"Tom? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Mark stood up and hugged Tom. He rubbed his hands up and down Tom's back to calm him. Tom continued to cry.
"Tom,'what's wrong?"
"T-Travis told m-me that-that s-santa's not r-r-real!" Tom cried. It wasn't so much the fact that Tom beloved in Santa that made him cry. It was the fact that mark had lied to him, and that Travis had rubbed it all in his face.
"Of course he's real!"
Mark lifted Tom and carried him to the bed. Tom got an idea.
"Marky, I'm sleeping here tonight!"
"Um... Okay."
Tom wrapped his arms around Mark tightly. If Mark really did get up to place pressnts under the tree, Tom would feel him moving.
Mark nuzzled Tom's cheek and they both fell asleep.
"Mark! Get up!"
"Five more minuets..."
"But it's Christmas!"
Mark sat up and Tom pulled him outta bed.
They made their was
down stairs to find Travis staring at a stocking full of coal.
"What the fuck is this!?"
Tom let out a loud gasp, "Mark! Travis said the f word!"
"Keep your mouth shut Travis!"
The rest of the morning was spent opening gifts. And it was declared that Santa WAS indeed real.