I've done this more times then I can count. I guess that isn't something to really be proud of. I'm glad the person who took over seems pretty funny and personable cause I was worried we'd end up with an elitist asshole for Ryan.
I love Ryan now. I didn't really even know who he was when I started all this just a little over three years ago but now I'm a fan almost to a slight obsession. I see his movies on opening day, check on any website that has anything to do with him, watch any show he's on and I've rented on bought anything I know he's in no matter how small the part. He's such a charismatic and funny guy that he deserves someone who will do him justice.
I don't have too many big goodbyes to say. Ashley and Alexis are both gone now and they have been the main reasons I've stayed for the past couple months or more. Maggie, I don't really talk to anymore but I'll never forget her either. There are others but I won't name you all. You know I love you and that's what matters.
I'll just wrap it up. It's been real or real fake depending on how you look at it. Peace out.