Life and the humanity of it all!

Aug 25, 2007 22:54

Okies, I'm gonna have a little rant so i'll put it behind a cut so that you're not subjected to it unless you want to read :)

Work was really busy today, it was a case of eb and flow, my queue filled then i worked though it to nothing, then it filled up again and so on.
I'm a friendly and nice check out operator so I offer to "help pack" people shopping, but some people take it as liberty that this means i'll pack all their shopping while they watch me!
I had 3 elderly people do that to me today at my till. The worst was an elderly couple who had 2 heaped trolleys and they watched me struggle to pack 2 trolley loads of stuff whilst scanning it and making sure i'd weighed stuff correctly etc while my queue was getting ever longer with more and more pissed off customers. She actually stood there with her arms crossed adn just watched me struggle. I was going bright red and getting very flustered and she just WATCHED ME! I offer to help pack her shopping, not pack is soley on my own adn he her skivy!
She did say thanks for it, but still! she could have packed something, right? she was fully capable and its not like all her stuff was heavy!

On another note, the american government is confusing me again atm. I'm a big fan of watching Dog the Bounty Hunter at night on sky. Gabe likes to watch it too while taking his last bottle. Recently Dog was arrested for chasing a guy into mexico where bounty hunting is illegal. The mexican court dropped the case but for some reason Dog is still being held to his bail. Now why wouldn't the US want a man who has dedicated his life to clearing the streets of criminals to be free to continue to change lives and make the world safer one criminal at a time? The guy was taking down a known rapist at the time. I can't see how chasing a bounty into a non bounty hunting zone can possibly be put on a par with raping people, but by not dropping the bail bond its almost like saying it is!

I signed a petition to get the bond dropped. He's been cleared by mexico so I don;t see where the problem is. I'll admit I don't entirely understand how exactly bail bonds work in their entirety but it just seems wrong to me.

I have great admiration and respect for this man and his family. I look up to his wife Beth, she really inspires me to be more than I currently am. It seems like a great injustice that this whole thing is being dragged out. Maybe I'm just a soft heart who perfers people over politics. *shrugs*

Okies I guess thats rant over. I've said that work was rough today and I've stood up and had my say about a really great guy who just seems to be taking a political beating right now.

rant over.

back to living life for all it has to offer and loving my life and my family and friends :)


Blessed Be.
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