It’s been an interesting holiday season since I decided to not participate in the crass commercialism of the “holiday” season. I did not act like a glutton at Thanksgiving. I did not buy everyone at least $700 worth of gifts (as the TVs say is one’s due. What? You forgot the “dude, you’re getting a Dell commercial”?) I did not partake or partoke on
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12 hours of The Three Stooges on the 31rst from noon until midnight on AMC. Can you see me smiling? I'm going to here me some nyuck nyuck nyucks! I could wax poetic about the three of them and I won't. But watch several episodes and pay attention to the set design; it is phenomenal how detailed the sets are.
Safeway now has online shopping and home delivery. It's wonderful to sit here at my computer and shop for groceries without having to deal with the hectic nature of a grocery store. Since I live in a college town, one of several things is always going on when I shop:
people are in the beer aisle arguing over what to buy and whose daddy's gold card
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