Title: To Be That Man (Who Falls Down At Your Door)
wastingyourgumCharacters/Pairings: Little John, Djaq
Mentions: Much, Queen Eleanor
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: 2x11
Words: 500
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is copyright to Tiger Aspect and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made - the outlaws gave it all away
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Comments 10
I really enjoyed reading this. In my mind, John and Djaq are the two most mature people in the gang, and they must have had a lot to say to each other, especially on certain occassions.
I like how John bristles at the idea that he's lonely, even though he knows it's true. And I love how Djaq picks up on the loneliness too.
You're really captured both characters so well, and with so few words. Well done.
(totally posted this to get comment-love)
I also posted this so it could get shoved in the Fic Index and be preserved as a thing of beauty forever for all the future hordes searching for Little John fic... ;)
John and Djaq are definitely the grown-ups in the gang. I like the idea that they are also perfectly happy not talking to each other. I think John must really miss her. Tuck probably can't go 20 yards without preaching about something... and as for... let's not go there...
This was really sweet and lovely, as usual. The relationship between Djaq and John was written just as I've imagined it (though the show gave us so little of it...bad show!!!). Great job!
And yes, there should have been alot more Djaq and John - I would have given a limb for a scene where she talks to him about Will and Allan!
John is also totally a big soppy git but Djaq's the only one who knows... ;)
Wonderful little story, the interaction between John and Djaq (mum and dad indeed!) and that John kept something from the Queen. Of course she would have remembered him! :-D
You have no idea how pleased I was when Google Maps told me it was (roughly) 500 miles from Nottingham to Poitiers! It was like a gift!
And he's "gonna be that man" one of these days...
Really well done.
Much is a listener? o_O
Yeah - he's got no idea what's about to happen, does he?
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