Dancing with Dragons! And also K/S.

Jul 12, 2011 18:20

So it's finally finally finally July 12th, which means I was up all night dancing with dragons...

And it occurs to me that, considering I've been looking forward to this day for six years, it's quite anticlimactic. I ordered the hard copy of ADWD about five years ago, but Amazon haven't delivered yet and I mostly read on my iPad anyway, so last night I pre-ordered the Kindle version. That auto-downloaded overnight, and I stayed up all night reading.

It's not quite the same as being in a line of excited fans in Harry Potter costumes, getting a nice physical book at midnight and then scuttling off somewhere to read overnight. This is a downside I didn't really consider when I finally converted to the cause of ebooks.

Sadly, I'm nowhere near finished yet. Partly because I lack the stamina I had a few years back, partly because this book is about as long as the whole HP series combined, and partly because it requires a helluva lot more brain capacity (which I also lack). So if you spoil me, I will destroy you. But so far? SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN AFFC, LIEK WHOA. Um. I might have more intelligent commentary when I've a) finished, and b) slept, but then again I might also just post a massive caps-locky SQUEE. I may indeed have woken up fadagaski with an almighty squee when I got to the first Dany chapter (and with it the first mention of my namesake Rhaegal) some time in the night. Oh well, she'll forgive me when she catches up.

I've been so busy since getting back from KiScon (on the plus side - writing slash, mostly) that I've left this unforgivably long, but I badly need to rec some fics from the convention zine. Sadly, we can't distribute the zine itself outside of the convention members at the request of some of the contributors, but the fics I know of that have since been posted online are:

STR One Quotable Phrase by fadagaski
A very sweet Kirk/Spock Prime. Kind of preslashy. Wanting to get to know him better, Kirk takes Spock Prime on a whistlestop tour of the US. It's awkward and cute, and - as with all Spock Prime fic - extremely angsty, in an understated way.

Contact by blackbird_song - ADULT
A lovely fic exploring the growing intimacy between Kirk and Spock as the result of various missions from TOS. I love the way the relationship grows organically, so that by the time Kirk realises what's going on it's already happened.

STR Cumulative Evidence by jaylee_g - ADULT
There aren't many gay-freakout fics in Reboot, and I've confessed before that I have a weakness for them, so this one makes me happy. I love jaylee_g's witty style, and I especially adore her Bones who calls Jim out on his denial.

STR Truth Be Told by lyricoloratura - ADULT
A brilliantly well-written truth serum fic. I can't imagine what truths Kirk and Spock might be compelled to reveal to one another, can you?

There are seven more which I can't find online, either because they haven't been posted or because I'm being crap, so I may be back soon with some more recs. In the meantime, read these, they're awesome.

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star trek, asoiaf, k/s recs

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