Wow, I ADORE your style! The floral masking of the garden gloves is such a nice little touch; and the depth of the flowering shrub and the dimensionality it adds to the piece is fantastic. And MM I love the middle image of Dean and Castiel and the full story it already seems to tell--I'm excited to read the rest in the fic. Castiel's sketchbook pieces are really neat, as well. Lovely work!
Your work is so very pretty! I love all the details too - the flowery patterned gloves, the detail of the sketch on the pad in the main pic, the clothes drying and the bird art on the wall. Just delicious!
I recognise the source pic for the sketch with Jensen's head propped on his folded arms too - yummy Alec!
Yay, thanks!! It's awesome that you noticed the little details - fun fact: the bird art is some I did when I was at uni! Recycling artwork, aww yeah. Actually, that's kind of a boring fact haha
YES! I mean how could I pass up an opportunity to use that pic? Whenever I do young!Dean, I leap at the chance to use Dark Angel refs :)
Jensen was SO VERY PRETTY as Alec. Oh and I love that you recycle your art! I've done it too - I mean, it's like all recycling, it conserves energy, right? :D
Very cool art; I love how you created depth with the roses and how the sunlight fades out from the corner. The gloves are adorable and those spots of dirt are perfect:)
Great use of the prompt image for the banner. I like the stillness of that scene with all the homely details and Dean's clothes near the fire. The dividers are so cute!
Thank you for also sharing Castiel's sketches *stares*
Comments 23
I don't usually do backgrounds so I'm glad this one worked out!
I hope you enjoyed the story, it's written so beautifully!
I recognise the source pic for the sketch with Jensen's head propped on his folded arms too - yummy Alec!
YES! I mean how could I pass up an opportunity to use that pic? Whenever I do young!Dean, I leap at the chance to use Dark Angel refs :)
Oh and I love that you recycle your art! I've done it too - I mean, it's like all recycling, it conserves energy, right? :D
Great use of the prompt image for the banner. I like the stillness of that scene with all the homely details and Dean's clothes near the fire. The dividers are so cute!
Thank you for also sharing Castiel's sketches *stares*
Thanks, it was indeed meant to evoke stillness and comfort so I'm so happy you got that!
Cas was very kind to let me post them ;)
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