Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 11 random facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 11 people to be tagged and why you picked them. You can't tag the person who tagged you.
1. I've never been out of the country and this saddens me horribly.
2. I'm fluent in two languages, conversationally adequate in three more, and know how to say "I don't know" in eight. xD
3. I have the weirdest dreams ever. Not just content-wise (that too, though); I'm talking format. I've had dreams that pick up where they left off night after night, dreams with production credits, dreams that come true....it's really strange.
4. I am the most violently optimistic person I know. Emphasis on the violently. Things are going to turn out okay in the end, and if they don't, there will be hell to pay.
5. I have a mild form of synesthesia. It's the most fantastic thing in the world.
6. When I was 13, I broke my first major bone. It was the growth plate in my right ankle, and I broke it....getting off of a swing. Not jumping. Not anything outlandish. Just standing up and stepping forward. (The seat was very low to the ground and swung forward as I was taking my first step and caught my foot between the seat and the ground. I kept going; foot did not.)
7. My little brother is the most important person in my life.
8. Music is as essential to me as breathing. Making it, listening to it, singing, playing, going to concerts....my entire life has a soundtrack. One day I'll get around to transcribing my inner orchestral score.
9. I've written two books that nobody is ever going to read. Or if they do, they'll never know I wrote them.
10. My greatest fear is being forgotten.
11. My most precious dream is to find that one person who makes everything make sense, whom I can share everything with and not feel ashamed, who gives me faith in a higher power just by being around.
Yeah, that was pretty much it. Insomnia makes Tif want to share random stuff. Repost if you want to do it, I'm not tagging anyone in particular.