DEG: The pretty please post

Nov 20, 2008 17:23

cateris and I are aching, seriously aching for Dir en grey fic. There is such a lack of good fic, such a lack of fic at all. We are just a few people still writing it and i think it's sad. I hereby ask and invite you to come back and write. I know there are good authors in this fandom, i know there are fabulous authors in this fandom, i know that some are sick of even trying anymore, but i ask you to still try. We, the lonely writers and readers need you. We need you to keep the bandom going, we need your beautiful words, we need your stories and fictional fragments of life cleverly interwoven. We need you. We need to stop browsing in communities in pain and despair because there's so little out there, and out of that small so much is far from good. I know you are talented, i know you are there and i hope you'll write again.

I am not asking for a certain fic, i am not asking for a particular pairing. I am requesting more Diru fic in general. I am asking that you remember the beautiful people they are, the interesting and complex personalities that they have, the infinite possibilities of interaction, i ask you to remember your favorite dynamic, your OTP, your innermost thougths, i ask you to consider writing something you haven't before, to try your hand at a new pairing, to ignore how everyone else is writing a certain character, subject, pairing. I ask you to make it your own and show it to us.

Because i know you can.

And if you still need inspiration of some sort, please enjoy the images below. Feel free to use them as you wish, feel free to let yourself inspired or not, to write for them or against them, together or apart, to let your mind just go and take you and us somewhere.







all pictures are copyright of their respective authors. no harm is intended. if you are the author of a particular picture and want me to delete it, please comment below. Thank you regardless.

Thank you.

caterisand rheakurokawa
we write @ pinkucellphone


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