Title: 12 Days of KyuSung/YeKyu Christmas
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Humor
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Summary: For the 12 days of Christmas Yesung receives gifts from the 12 members, especially from...
Note: A Merry KyuSung Christmas to everyone~ FYI I love Zhou Mi and Henry too but I decided to choose the original 13 members for the story^^
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Comments 31
merry christmas to you~
i love you!
Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!
I love both of you!
You are both blessings for me...
I'm thankful you're my parents~
Maligayang pasko sa iyo!
Aunt na kita ngayon! sosyal po ha! neighbor turned aunt XD
mahal ko po kayo!
Oh rhen...this is the right fic for Christmas *look at my Christmas fic and dissolve into tears* (Honestly, there's comments here saying "this christmas all fics are angst or this is the right christmas fic...makes me depress T.T)
But this is really the right thing...I read it on Christmas morning..what a nice way to start my day...Fluffy fluffs me love...and I absolutely adore this fic..no competition..this is too adorable for words..
I love it...I love it very much..thanks for making this lovely fic...and as your neighbor turned aunt final words: This is excellent!! More Rhen!!
(You do know I love you right?? :D Just reminding in case you forget :D)
thank you for reading this!
so much appreciated.
I’m all warm and fuzzy now, especially at Yesung talking to Sungmin’s dog… for some reason. Almost as sweet as MinWook *eyeroll*
And nah, I doubt EunHae’s shoes will work. We can always hope, though.
Anyways, such an awesome fluffy gift to all KyuSung shippers *melts into a puddle of pink goo* Awww Kyu, you spent no money on your gift… *cough* Oh well, it's the scheming planning that counts. <3
Minwook is all over the place! those two are adorable!
well Yesung got the voice to compensate for the dancing skills! plus Yesung is very good with dancing his own dance XD
Thank you so much for reading and commenting^^
Kyuhyun is thrifty! LOL but don't worry Yesung doesn't mind getting him for Christmas at all ^^
BTW Your stories... I can't read them yest because it's NC-17 or M... I'm not yet allowed to read them.... but someday...
thanks for writing KyuSung^^
Aww damn dear, you're making me feel like such a bad person. I used to read NC-17 stuff when I was about 13... /bricked ...Uh, at least I hadn't written any smut at such an age? I'm no longer underage... for some time now... *is old*
Mmm.. I think one of my fics isn't really R, more like PG-13, I just called it R in case... but it's not KyuSung. Good question is, why are they making me think such perverted thoughts that I feel like I have to share with the rest of the class? Oh KyuSung, what are you guys doing to me? *hopeless* I'm just gonna ogle your background some more.
*nice user pic!! 8D*
I'm straining myself to read them hehehehe but sometime I feel like I can't relate to other shippers because of that TT~TT
*breaks huge brick* there is no need to hide!! I bet your KyuSung fics are great!!! *will wait for a year to read them TT~TT*
I only read KyuSung... *why am I so BIASED!!!!!*
MinWook is good!! but KyuSung is the best!! *biased forgive me*
it's nice meeting you ^^
Rhen here!
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