Title: KyuSung Drabble
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Friendship, AU
Rating: G
Length: drabble
Prompt: apple
Summary: a weird random drabble starring KyuJobs and ChuckYe
Note: there might be a lot of errors... O_O I'm getting a bit cranky! LOL BTW Happy Birthday to
blueicecreamxo and
timmii_luvs ^^
weird....... )
Comments 11
oh hope siwon can help and kyu take cares of him ^^
wow you work with children? O_O then you be a really patient person. I can't handle taking care of children T.T are you a teacher?
Sorry for my weird Yesung. eh... I'm not even sure if I was writing something that makes sense.
Kyu will forever take care of ChuckYe! (I'm that biased, sorry)
Thank you for reading^^
your yesung was cute ^^
I wish it was longer though.
I thought at first that the apple was going to make him grow up or something weird like that...I don't know, I'm crazy sometimes. haha.
I only managed to write a drabble since I'm not really sure of the plot... (the VERY weird plot)
lol! that's a great idea! you should write something about it^^
Thank you very much!
and Fighting with your fics ^^
And NOOOOOOOOOO T__________T. Why do you have to go hiatus? No Why do you want to stop writing T____T? Is there something happened? I hope not T_____T
I know things are not always the same and you can't just write forever. But I hope, I just hope you will write again... someday. I'll always be (one of) your reader(s) :)
lol I haven't thought of that plot XD
I'm just being lazy and it's bad to force my brain to think and right because I'll not come up with something good.
I will write if I can^^ don't worry! I'm really happy I have a kind reader like you! <3
thank you for reading and commenting^^
it's not weird. unique, but not weird. and Yesung poked his knife to Kyuhyun's butt, why didn't Kyuhyun hurt? is he a superhuman?
I'll miss you while you're on hiatus ╯︿╰
why do all of you have the same thoughts? LOL
YAY! my fic is unique! thank you very much~
lol I just got the poking of the butt from a KyuSung photo! maybe there's an iPhone in his back pocket XD
thank you for the comment^^
I'll miss all of you too! (eh... I don't think I'll...)
Thankyou for posting :DD
and also thankyou for supporting me :D
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