Title: Can you Manage my Love?
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: G
Length: chaptered
Summary: Snap-shots of the life of Kyuhyun, singer, and Yesung, Kyuhyun's manager, in their very own complicated world.
Note: Here is the next part! for KyuSung/YeKyu shippers out there^^ (beware of errors and the long rambling XD)
Character Profile☆彡
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Comments 38
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knowing that makes me happy~
I used to be a silent rader long time ago so I know what you say is so true... I try to comment now, not everytime, but I will try to do better, I promise !
I love your fics, they always make me smile and that would be a pity if you stop writing because of silent readers. Fighting Rhenny ! And fighting KyuSung ♥
I'm actually very happy when you commented to fics before. really thankful~
thank you! thank you! thank you!
making readers happy is a fulfillment for me ;_; you people are always very nice!
yeah... I'll try not stopping because of that... (but I might stop when school starts... 3 more weeks...)
Fighting too!!! (sorry I don't know your name... TT^TT but if you want you can tell me :)
thank you for cheering me up!
Aish, school starts ? In 6 weeks, it's hollidays for me u_u Fighting !
Arriving here from another kyusung Livejournal.
I'm so deprived of kyusung now!
Haha...oh? Kyu need help from yesung?
Hehe waiting for the update
from what journal did you came from? hahahaha!
me too... I wan't to read more KyuSung fics and saw more KyuSung moments....
since I'm a spoiler the next chap will be entitled "Recruitment" XD
thank you very much for reading and commenting!~
I hope I can finish this...
I love Kyusung, they are my bias, and always be
please don´t lose your entusiasm, and continue this beautiful fanfics, you brings joy to my heart
this fic, I love it, I was waiting you continue this and you did it, I´m happy now
I comment the next chapter
don´t lose your hopes in kyusung shippers
in america are many many yehyun/kyusung shippers
you need to read HATO is in spanish but they love ours yesungie and kyuhyun togheter ^^
I love you
KyuSung OTP and shippers are so precious TTvTT
thank you for everything that you said... (and for calling my fics beautiful) I'm really happy I can make you happy! :D
OTL sorry waiting long for this update... needed to write something else XD (please anticipate that! lol sorry for the self-promotion XD)
I will never lose my faith and hope in KyuSung shippers^^ with out everyone of you I will never be here... so I'm really grateful to all of you^^
yay! I'm glad that there are a lot of KyuSung shippers there!
HATO? what's that? (sorry I didn't know..)
I love you too! (it will be nice if I can know your name :D)
Keep up the awesome work! Fighting!
lol I really don't know where I got the read and run idea XD I'm sorry... I just needed to ramble to my feelings before I explode or something X_X
Thank you very much Jade! (sorry for stalking you XD)
Fighting to us!
and i forgive you for stalking me XD LOL
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