Title: Can you Manage my Love?
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: G
Length: chaptered
Summary: Snap-shots of the life of Kyuhyun, singer, and Yesung, Kyuhyun's manager, in their very own complicated world.
Note: Here is the next part! for KyuSung/YeKyu shippers out there^^ (beware of errors and the long rambling XD)
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Comments 38
I'm sorry but I didn't knew that drama... (actually this is the first time I learned about it) I tend to show my Yesung-biasness and only be interested in things and shows where Yesung is included *bricks myself*
yay for KyuSung chemistry!!! might add that in the following updates~
Don't worry! Yesung will be there for him!! (please stop me from being a spoiler X_x)
thank you so much for commenting Liz!
I really hope they will do that... so at least we can track how much people read our stories...
it's quite easy to add a counter... if you want I can tell you... (I hope I can remember how...)
hey your fic got a really nice plot! some readers just don't give comments even if they read or enjoyed it.. boo! friends really help a lot... without them I would be nothing...
we can do this Liz! Fighting! I'm here to support you! (as long as the fic is KyuSung I'm going to comment XD sorry for my biasness)
sorry for rambling like that.... but I'm happy to know that you like my stories and you commented!
thank you very much^^
Thanks for posting this :DDD
thank you so much for always reading and commenting in my stories^^ love you~
i wanna say sorry that i never write a loooong comment because english is not my language. i'm soo sooo sorry about that ><
maybe i write something wrong here?? kekeke sorry >///<
and love you too ^^
for the story, I like their conversation. it sounded like they were dating already <3
I hope they can persuade Kyuhyun's father..
p.s. is gaemcloud the name of KyuSung fans? I've always thought it's turtle orz
I love you so much!
gaemcloud? i think I'm the only one using that, some use gamecloud. I use gaemcloud because of Kyu's username in twitter
To me, or it's just me, that Fanfic writers do not write for the sake of collecting comments, they wrote with the intention of trying to weave a "fantasy" fangirls/fanboys are secretly harbouring in their minds. With readers commenting, it motivates them to write more "fantasies" and gather readers to spazz together. Being a writer, I'd love to put a smile, induce tears, make my readers' heart flutter the same way I did when I was writing the fics. So if readers just write and say, "my heart jumped when Kyusung kissed towards the end of the story, <3", I'd feel that I have make someone happy ( ... )
there are really a lot of readers who doesn't leave any comment when they read the fics that we write... it feels bad since we've always work hard for every fic we make...
true :D thank you for enlightening me! you reminded me of the reason why I started writing fics in the first place. I just felt depression coursing through my body... *sighs*
Thank you so much^^ you're very kind! I'll cheer up! I promise!
Fighting to us!
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