Title: KyuSung in Wonderland
Pairing: KyuSung
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, AU
Rating: G
Length: one-shot
Summary: Kyuhyun was forced to play the role of Alice, who will end up in Wonderland in pursue to the White Rabbit, which was played by Yesung. What will happen if there will be in a twist in the story?
Dedicated to:
turtleclouds ^^ Happy Birthday
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Comments 11
love this :3 and the other fict too :D
'Kyuhyun blushed and held Yesung’s face in his hands kissing him fully in the lips, “What ending? This will be the beginning.”' <= My favorite part <3
kyusung is becoming my new otp and its all your fault!
(or should i be thanking you?) lol.
i give you cookies!!
imagining yesung as the white rabbit is quite cute while kyu as alice... LOL. *spazzes at the cuteness yet again*
your stories always make me spaz like crazy!!!!!
amazing job as always :)
OMG Alice and Mr. Rabit will live happily ever after XDDDDDD. That just sound SO hilarious to me XDDDDDDDD.
Hey I wish I can really see an Alice!Kyu and a Mr. Rabit!Ye on stage someday XD
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