Just ran 7.3 miles like it weren't no thang. Half-marathon in t-minus 40 days. I am gonna OWN those 13.1 miles. Own em, slap em around, bend em over a damn bench, rob em of everything but their damn pocket lint, naw, hell, I'll take that too and send em cryin home to momma. BAM!
So, I have this other blog dedicated to the ridiculous nature of sex and dating. You should read it. RSS it and shit, but be warned. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
Never trust a writer. She'll use you every time ;).
I got fired. I'm looking for something in copy writing, technical writing or administrative assistance, but for the moment I'll take just about anything in food service, retail, etc. Know anybody hiring? I'll love you forever. For serious.