Sunny/Dark: 6/10
drY/Gross: 6/10
Traditional/Offbeat: 6/10
Active/Passive: 6/10
You are a DGO--Dark Gross Offbeat. This makes you a Fanboy/Fangirl.
You like the strange, the random and the slightly upsetting. You'd like Monty Python better if they were all Terry Gilliam. If it's got references to stuff you thought only you knew about, like Fletch Lives, Nutella, or the Filmation Ghostbusters, you are prepared to pee.
Your humor is wasted on people who aren't paying attention. Just smile and nod and save your best stuff for that female friend who knows who Red Hot Riding Hood is.
You might like almost anything non-anime on Adult Swim, particularly Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Harvey Birdman and Sealab 2021. You might really really like the "Oh... my GOD" impression of Debbie DuPree I do when I've had a coupla Yuenglings.
Of the 18246 people who have taken this quiz, 4 % are this type.
Your Active humor score of 6/10 means you are ju-u-ust right. You're probably pretty popular -- a walking social lubricant. You know how to take someone from on edge to relaxed, and from relaxed to larfing. You're kind of like an episode of Arrested Development. That show is good. Anyway. Rave on, funny one.