Character Interview Meme

Oct 01, 2010 01:25

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions.

Characters Chosen: Galen, Fenlara, Perion, Devlin, Iliana. From my Negalein Trilogy.

Notes: Found this on AO3 while I was trolling for fic to read. Was sufficiently inspired to revisit Negalein, however temporarily. Somewhere in the range of two thousand words, give or take the questions themselves. I did fudge on the band question, as it wanted to know about them in the here and now, and I don’t have the musical knowledge to cover that adequately.

1) How Old Are You?

Perion: Older than all of them, actually.
Devlin: Really? I thought you'n Fen were the same age.
Fenlara: We're not the same anything, thank you.
Iliana: Oh for heaven’s sake Fen, it was a simple question!
Galen: *sigh* Ili and I are eighteen, Fen is seventeen, Dev is sixteen and Perion, well, how old are you?
Perion: Twenty-one, as it happens.

2) Height?

Galen: 6'3
Iliana: I refuse to say.
Fenlara: She barely breaks five feet is why. I'm 5'8
Iliana: Fen, honestly. Can't you simply keep quiet?
Devlin: Well, we did agree to answer these. I'm 6'1
Perion: 5'11, me. But height isn't really all that important.
Fenlara: ::mumbles:: ..Says the shortest guy here.

3) You Got Any Bad Habits?

Galen: Well, I --
Devlin: He stops to pick every bloody flower we pass. 'It might be useful', he says. Slows us down. And Fen has the worst temper this side of the great mountains! Goes off like a flash-
:: Fen tackles Devlin::
Perion: Well, that was well timed. I'm told I snore, and Fenlara claims I'm the most irritating bastard on the planet. She could be right.
Iliana: No, Perion, that’s just Fen being bitchy. She does that a lot.
Devlin: :: has escaped his sister:: I think I'm pretty good. I mean, there's nothing I can think of.
::Everyone is glaring at Devlin::
Fenlara: Do you hear yourself after half a pint of ale? Because we all do. You belch like it's a bloody contest! And the farting. It's disgusting.
Devlin: I do not! You're just mad because everyone knows you're a bitch!
Galen: Sorry Dev, bitchy or not, Fen is right. Your farts are toxic, and that belching thing is really irritating.
Iliana: Well, I certainly can't think of anything.
:: Galen looks away::
Iliana: What?
Fenlara: Are you aware how often you brush your hair? It's really sort of off-putting. Every day, she walks along with her brush in one hand, the other somewhere on her head. It never stops.
Devlin: Yea, covers the bushes in loose hairs too. You don't ease up on that, you'll go bald.
Perion: A bit of hair loss is perfectly natural when it's well cared for. She's not going to go bald!
Fenlara: You take a bath after her sometime. The whole tub ends up covered in hair.
Galen: Can we move on please?
Iliana: Indeed.

4) You a virgin?

Iliana: Well certainly, what proper youth would desecrate the temple of their bodies before marriage?
Galen: Um, right. That.
Fenlara: :: rolling with laughter::
Devlin: ..Sorry, Ili, I’m pretty sure no-one else shares that view.
Fenlara: That's an understatement.
Perion: It’s a nice thought, but no.
Fenlara: What was his name?
:: Everyone except for Perion is staring at Fenlara in bemused horror::
Perion: …Who?
Fenlara: The horse you got to shag you?
:: Perion’s mouth opens and closes rapidly, but he seems unable to respond.::
Devlin: Um, moving on?

5) Who's your Mate/Spouse?

Iliana: Galen and I are going to be married as soon as this sorry business concerning Corby is resolved.
Galen: Yes, I’m quite looking forward to it.
Devlin: Happily single, me. There's enough drama around with these four to last us all a lifetime or two.
Iliana: I don’t know what you mean Devlin.
Fenlara: I could give you some clues, later, if you like.
Perion: The goddess says I’m meant to wed Fenlara, but I don’t see that happening.
Fenlara: Damn right. Sooner you’re gone, the happier I’ll be.

6) Have Any Kids?

Galen: None of us do, no.

7) Favourite Food?

Iliana: There's a cream treat my father would take me to try in the city during the summer. I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s kept cold magically, and the stall has many kinds of berries to mix in it.
Galen: I quite like venison roast. Mother would mix it with the baby onions and potatoes, and it was wonderful
Fenlara: She put the carrots in it too, remember? That was my favorite part, the carrots.
Devlin: Ham at midwinter. Mother would poke apple pieces in before it went in the smoke house, and they had the best taste.
Perion: I rather miss the fig tarts from the bakery near my home. When they delivered bread to the in every morning, Sorett brought them to me.
Devlin: ::with his hand over Fenlara’s mouth:: Who is Sorett?
Perion: ..The horse Fenlara mentioned. Better known as the Baker’s daughter.
:: Everyone except Fenlara and Perion laugh::

8) Favourite Ice Cream flavour?

Iliana: Oh! Is that what the cream treat is called? I quite like it with peaches in.
Galen: None of us have tried it.
Perion: I have. The plain kind is quite good, with apple pie.

9) Killed anyone?

Iliana: Galen and I are healers. We save lives, never take them.
Devlin: I killed a soldier the day they burnt the village. It was awful, he was younger than me.
Fenlara: ::has an arm around Devlin now:: They deserved it. Bastards killed everyone.
Perion: No, I haven’t, though I fear it won’t be long before I have to.

10) Hate anyone?

All: Corby.
Galen: He ordered our village destroyed for no reason.
:: Iliana, Fenlara, and Devlin all nod::
Perion: His law would see me dead. How is that just? I consider it less hate than self preservation. Also, I’m pretty sure Fenlara hates me.
Fenlara: You have no idea.

11) Any Secrets?

:: Everyone looks uncomfortable, refuses to look at one another::
Devlin: Why don’t we just pass on that.

12) Love Anyone?

Iliana: I love Galen, he’s my world.
Galen: That's, yes. I love Iliana, naturally, and my siblings.
Fenlara: My brothers. Everyone else is dead.
Devlin: Yea, uh, my sibs.
:: Perion stares at Fenlara, doesn’t answer::

13) TACOS?

Devlin: What are those?
:: Nobody knows, moving on::

14)Ever slept in All day?

Perion: I slept for two days when I was Chosen. Other than that, I’ve always been an early riser.
Devlin: We all get up fairly early. Why would you want to sleep all day?

15)Favourite Show?

Devlin: Show? Like, puppets?
Fenlara: Or plays. I quite like the saga of Delrose and Shara.
Perion: Of course, one can’t speak, the other is blind and they’re turned into a tree and a rock at the end. What's not to love?
Fenlara: Just because you’d be more at home watching Crisp and Scar…
Galen: Will you two stop it already?
Iliana: ‘Mala and the Scarecrow’ is really quite lovely.
Perion: I like that one. Sorett played Mala at the spring festival last year.
Fenlara: Aw, weren’t you chosen for the scarecrow?
Perion: I was busy helping my father with the ale casks. My absence would have been noticed well before the unmasking.
Devlin: ..What’s wrong with Crisp and Scar, anyway?
Fenlara: Nothing Dev. Nothing at all.

16) Favourite Movie?

Perion: What is a movie?
:: Moving on then..::

17) Favourite Band?

Galen: Do you mean Bards?
Devlin: We all play instruments. I play the guitar, Iliana sings, Fen plays flute, and Galen has a nice set of drums. Had. Sorry Galen.
:: Galen nods.::
Perion: There have been many lovely bards, as well as musical performing groups at the Inn. My favorite was a group when I was a child, they called themselves the dancing dragons let me play the tambourine.
Iliana: Aw, isn’t that sweet Fen?
Galen: Oh please don’t start again.

18) Eye Colours?

Galen: Iliana’s are a lovely shade of brown. Like doe eyes.
Iliana: Galen’s are green like oak leaves, though sometimes they seem more gold and brown.
Fenlara: Mine are blue.
Perion: It’s a nice shade of blue at least.
Fenlara: I don’t recall anyone asking your opinion on the subject.
Galen: Stop it.
Devlin: Mine’re blue, but lighter than Fen’s.
Perion: Mine are brown.

19) Skin?

Galen: Except for Perion, we’re all quite pale.
Perion: Yep. I stand out, dark as I am.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?

Devlin: We’re all rather average, I think.
Iliana: I could stand to lose a few pounds.
Galen: ::genuinely incredulous:: From where?!
Fenlara: She doesn’t, she’s just thinking of what those stupid girls at the last inn said about her bum.
Galen: What?
Perion: It’s probably better to just stay out of it.
Devlin: No kidding. Stand down brother, stand down.

21) Rain, sunshine?

Perion: I used to rather like rain, as it was rare at home, and then I was magic’d here and learned how frustrating it can be.
Fenlara: For once, I agree. Give me some sun already.
Everybody: Here, here.

22) Pool, Beach?

Iliana: I visited a pool once while Father and I were in the city. Such funny clothing they wore. I’m afraid I got quite sun burnt that day.
Galen: Oh? You never mentioned it.
Iliana: Ah, well, it was hardly important.
Perion: The beach was about a week’s ride from the Inn, I found it quite pleasant to camp there, during the Inn’s slow season.
Devlin: Me’n Fen always liked swimming in the river.
Galen: You were told not to.
Fenlara: That was part of the fun. You’d know if you were ever with us.

23) Camping, staying home?

Fenlara: I think we’d all just be happy to have homes, at this point. We’ve camped quite a bit lately.

24) Dog, Cat?

Galen: Dogs are nice.
Iliana: Oh, I thought you liked cats?
Galen: Well yours was alright..
Fenlara: Dogs are very useful, I miss Shandie, she was a wonderful hunting dog.
Devlin: I miss her too. Definitely Dog.
Perion: Cats are useful too, especially in an inn.. but I’ve always really liked dogs.

25) Believe in aliens?

Iliana: What are aliens? Are they like Gods? Because we’ve had rather enough proof of those.

26) Natural Born, or Clone?

Galen: We were all born naturally. What is a Clone?

27) Car or Ship?

Fenlara: Ships seem interesting. After this mess with Corby I’d like to learn to sail. What is a Car? Is it like a ship?
Galen: Perhaps it’s a small one. They have different names, for the sizes, don’t they?
Perion: They do, though I’ve never heard of one called a Car.

28) Ever destroyed something out of Blind Rage?

Iliana: I threw a perfume bottle once, after Mother died. My room never stopped smelling of it.
Galen: Is that what that scent was? I thought you liked to burn incense.
Fenlara: My rage is rarely blind, but things have been destroyed.
Perion: ::mumbles:: I can believe that.
Devlin: ::snickers::

29) Any Unusual Things about you?

Perion: I’m Chosen of the Goddess Fenlaraine.
Devlin: Well, we do have this quest thing going on.
Iliana: Galen and I are healers, does that count?

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?

Devlin: Um, the standard amount?
Fenlara: Plus whatever nobody else wants, in Dev’s case.
Devlin: Hey!
Galen: More after I’ve healed someone, but I’m generally happy with three meals a day, and plenty of water, of course.
Iliana: Three small meals a day is enough for me.
Perion: I’ve needed more, lately, as I’ve learned to use the powers Fenlaraine has given me.
Fenlara: The woods will be cleared of rabbits and grouse by the time we get to the capital, I’m sure.

31) Favourite Place?

Fenlara: There used to be a cave in the cliff overlooking the town. It was very hard to get to, so naturally, I went there often.
Devlin: Yea, she always hid there when Mother shouted about how she wasn’t girly enough.
Galen: Which, sorry Fen, was every day or so.
Iliana: I loved the Pavilion in the village center, before they burned it down.
Devlin: I loved the Forge.
Fenlara: Suppose it helped that you worked there, huh?
Devlin: Father only took me on because he knew I liked it.
Perion: The attic above the Inn had fascinating things hidden in it. I used to steal the key as a small child and hide there for hours, until the housekeeper forced me out.

32) Any last words?

Fenlara: To whom?
Perion: Whoever is reading, obviously.
Galen: Stop it, both of you. Lets go.

meme sheep, random is random, negalein

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