They make knitted boobs for those recovering from mastectomies. I am tickled by the fact they even have a nipple!
If only I could knit well!
This is the kind of thing that really moves me. It is one reason I support breast cancer. I have seen so many families suffer because of breast cancer. It is SO preventable.
With my family's history (and a dear friend's passing last year), I should be supporting colon cancer. But it isn't something people talk about as readily as breast. Unless you are Katie Couric, and have your colon inspected on national TV!
I could support Alzheimer's, since we think dad had it (no official tests ever run). I could support depression in seniors (once again, relating to dad). I could support cervical cancer, since I had a horrible brush with it in 1997.
I had to choose. The multitude of breast cancer organizations make it easy for the masses to get involved.
Stolen from another poster on