12:12-1:20: Jazz Dance
2:55-4:35: Women in American Christianity
8-9:40: Writing for Life (My schedule would be the most awesome thing ever if not for this class.)
6-9:15: Foundations in Women's Studies
Same as Monday
8-9:40: Same
6-9:15: American Writers II
Paid for mysteriously disapeared library books from last semester. Found out that I can get a complete refund if I find and return them sometime in the next two years.
Last week of work before we close until fall semester starts.
on the downside, no more making money for a few weeks. On the upside, no more hour and half long bus ride back and forth.
Bookstore started selling this semester's textbooks today, which is eee! yay! inducing, because I'm a total geek. Was very tempted to go ahead and buy mine now, but I didn't have the course numbers with me. Plus, buying now means lugging them home and then back to school later when I move back into the dorms, which is stupid.
Did buy the new school planner for this year, which now includes a sheet of stickers that say things like Assignment Due and Midterm and Research.