This movie was hard to follow, lol.
Jack: his hallucinations were triiiiippy, man. It felt like those multiple-Jack scenes didn't belong in the movie, but I'm still glad I got to see them anyway. My feelings, they are TORN.
That being said, what with the many Jacks: NOT ENOUGH JACK SPARROW IN THIS MOVIE. >:(
Will: Whoa, he became hot when he became dead. Seriously, man. All in black, bandana, and scar? Rowr, gimme some of that.
Elizabeth: Her face was so splotchy and unevenly colored this movie. And her shrieking and rousing speech, which on paper would have read to be very inspiring, just sounded pretty funny. Too shrieky, Keira, too shrieky. But I did like her scene with Jonathan Pryce.
Norrington: I was spoiled for him getting killed. He shoulda died later on in the movie, I needed more time to like him more before he was killed and got redemption.
Will and Elizabeth: they totally had sex on the beach! XD He was kissing her leg, and she was just like "ohhh" and I was like "Is Disney really going there!?" Then it cut to a scene with him leaving, then I was disappointed and thought, "Oh, I guess not." I don't know what I was expecting from a Disney film, I thought I was gonna get a putting-clothes-back-on scene or something.
But at the end of the movie, they had a KID, and the "most opportune" moment for them to procreate was that time at the beach, sooooo yeah.
Also: wedding-while-fighting? Really cheesy, but cheesy in a way that I kinda like it, even if I was scoffing the whole time in the theater.
Davy Jones's CGI was awesome, and so is Bill Nighy.
Tia Dalma: I don't give a fuck about her at all. When she turned into giant heathen goddess, I was like, "Oh god, just go away already." She was so lame and annoying. :/
Overall, I thought that the movie was attempting too much concerning storyline/characters/action, but then again, this IS a Jerry Bruckheimer production. There were lame parts, and there were some pretty cool parts. Overall, eh, I liked it well enough. I wish I could have liked it more, though.