Vidding Meme 2008

Dec 22, 2008 19:20

Vids made in 2008
(sorted by release date)

All I Found Was You - Doctor Who - Doctor/Rose

Somewhere I Belong - Doctor Who - Tenth Doctor

Torchwood, Angel Style - Torchwood

Nothing Else Matters - Ashes to Ashes - Alex Drake

Anything the Doctor Can Do... - Doctor Who - Co-vidded with jagwriter78 (Sweet Charity)
You're Not Alone - Doctor Who - Ten/Rose (Sweet Charity). Bonus Japanese version: Yubiwa (locked)

In Your Darkest Hour - Doctor Who
I Think I'm a Clone Now - Multifandom
Glorious - Doctor Who - Rose, Martha, Donnna

Walking With a Ghost, Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes - Sam Tyler, Alex Drake
A Sai Ën - Supernatural - Dean, Castiel (currently locked)

My favorite video this year (of my own):
"Glorious" was just one of those once a year epic projects that made me want tear my eyes and ears out while making it. Muse is HARD to vid, but I am immensely satisfied with the end result. The whole vid is just my way of celebrating the awesomeness of Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Donna Noble.

My least favourite video this year:
"All I Found Was You" felt like it started off with a bang and went out with a bit of a whimper, but there wasn't much else I could do given the straightforward narrative and the way the song itself seemed to slow down. That's not to say I'm not proud of this vid because I am, but I guess I just wish there was a bit more balance in the vid.

Most successful video:
"Anything the Doctor Can Do" is the most successful by far, in terms of number of views, downloads, and feedback. I couldn't have done it with ya, Jag!

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
It felt like "You're Not Alone" just sorta went under everyone's radar this past summer. Or maybe the song/subject/vidding style just isn't for everyone. The song was definitely a challenge to vid, especially with its complicated beats and lyrical structure.

Most fun video:
Hands down, "Anything the Doctor Can Do." Working on this with Jag was just so much fun, and it was impossible to keep from cracking up while vidding. This is followed by "I Think I'm a Clone Now" which was my first multifandom vid. Vidding Weird Al is a hoot. :D

Video with single sexiest moment:
Hmm, perhaps the opening sequence of "Somewhere I Belong" for sheer Tenth Doctor sex appeal qualifies. My whole original point of making that vid was just so I could use that ridiculous, yet super hot Ten clip from "Voyage of the Damned." Anyway, I don't think the blink-and-you'll-miss-them bits of actual sex scenes in "Walking With a Ghost" count for "sexiest moment."

Biggest vid fail:
As proud as I am of every bit of "Glorious," there's a *gasp* ghost frame in the version that's currently available for public download. I won't say where though. ;) I also really hate the BBC logos seen in "Torchwood, Angel Style" but that wasn't serious vidding, so it's easier to let that slide.

Hardest video to make:
Technically speaking, it's probably "Somewhere I Belong" because I used Ulead for a few transitions, while I edited mainly in Sony Vegas. I also did a lot of split screens which were fun to do, but really time consuming.

Most unintentionally telling video:
"Walking With a Ghost" shows what happens when I lose my train of thought in a vid after putting it aside for over a month. If the vid doesn't really make all that much sense, don't worry. It doesn't make a huge amount of sense to me either. LOL

The things I've learned this year:

Vid for yourself first, but if you're vidding for someone else, make absolutely clear what you're willing and capable of vidding.

Frameserving ROCKS. The SMLuminance transition for Vegas is way cool. Streaming on LJ from your own personal webspace is also cool.

I've become such a stickler for good aspect ratio. ;)

For 2009:
I need to finish my first real Supernatural vid. And apparently, Sam and Dean have "deep manly voices" and sound kinda "like big dogs - AR AR AR!" *nudges humansrsuperior ;)

I'd love to go to Vividcon, and I may actually have time to go. Anyone looking for a roommate? ^_^'

meme, vidding stuff

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