My friend Enrique and I on his birthday :D
Me and my gorgeous roomie re-doing our room. We sucked at it.
Lindsley and Lindsley. Actually, the second Lindsley is just Austin in the first Lindsley's glasses and work badge.
More of me and Enrique. We're going to have babies.
My runny nose.
Before my first DEI Rocky Horror show.
My buddy Sean doing lots and lots of laundry.
Me and my friend Toad/Kevin tripping on salvia. I thought the wall was pinching me. Later, I thought I was going to fall into my phone.
A van in the Kittredge pond. I love public school.
My mother is flying in tomorrow for the weekend. I can't wait to eat real food and buy a pair of pants and talk to someone from PORTLAND! I won't see her again until Christmas, so I can probably put up with sixty-some hours of pure Mommy goodness.