Title: Bite Me
Author: blackhawk13
Prompt: Bite
Rating: PG
Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): 100
“Bite me!”
“You heard me.”
“Hermione…you’re being childish, don’t you think?”
“I repeat…bite me!”
“Is that a Muggle phrase? It makes no sense.”
“How about kiss my arse!”
“Sod off!”
“Alright, that’s it. You’re getting out of this bed…now!”
“I don’t want to. If I stay in bed, then today won’t happen.”
“Today will happen, with or without you. It’s just a matter of wanting to disappoint Hugo or not.”
“She’s a cow and I hate her.”
“She’s a perfectly nice girl.”
“She calls him Huey!”
“He likes that!”
“I refuse to let him date Lavender Brown’s daughter!”