Outstanding One-Shot
Outstanding Completed Multi-Chapter or Novel-Length Fic
Outstanding WIP (at least 3 chapters must have been published in 2010)
Outstanding Romance Fic
Outstanding Angst/Tearjerker Fic
Outstanding Humour Fic
Outstanding Kiss in Fic
Outstanding Alternate Universe Fic
Outstanding Missing Moment Fic
Most Intriguing Plot
Outstanding Adult/PWP Fic
Outstanding Family Fic (Ron/Hermione as parents)
Outstanding Romance Ficlet
Outstanding Angst Ficlet
Outstanding Adult Ficlet
Outstanding Romance Drabble
Outstanding Angst Drabble
Outstanding Adult Drabble
Outstanding Depiction of Ron in Fic
Outstanding Depiction of Hermione in Fic
Outstanding Author
Outstanding Overall Fic
Outstanding Romance Artwork
Outstanding Humour Artwork
Outstanding Angst/Tearjerker Artwork
Outstanding Kiss in Artwork
Outstanding Missing Moment Artwork
Outstanding Adult Artwork
Outstanding Depiction of Ron in Artwork
Outstanding Depiction of Hermione in Artwork
Outstanding Overall Artwork
Outstanding Artist
Outstanding Classic Romance Fic
Outstanding Classic Angst/Tearjerker Fic
Outstanding Classic Missing Moment Fic
Outstanding Classic Best Kiss
Outstanding Classic Multi-Chaptered Fic
Outstanding WIP That We Need to Have Finished
Outstanding Classic Author
Outstanding Classic Romance in Artwork
Outstanding Classic Angst/Tearjerker in Artwork
Outstanding Classic Missing Moment in Artwork
Outstanding Classic Kiss in Artwork
Outstanding Classic Artist
Outstanding Beta
Outstanding R/Hr Site
Outstanding Overall Achievement in Fandom - All nominees for this category should have been active in the R/Hr fandom for a minimum of 3 years (for this year, prior to the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in July 2007). Please give 2-3 sentences about why you think your nominee deserves this award.
And of course, we cannot forget about the rules, which are reposted for anyone who missed them the first time around:
-With the exception of those posted in
hp_canon_fest, which began posting on January 1, 2010, and nominations in the new "Classics" categories, all fics and art must have been created between January 1 and December 31, 2010. Multi-chapter WIPs must have had a minimum of 3 chapters published between those same dates, and multi-chapters of 3 or fewer chapters must have been published in their entirety between the same dates.
- Stories and art in the "Classics" categories must have been started if WIPs and completed if one-shots prior to the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; i.e., July 21, 2007.
-Eligible one-shots must be a minimum of 1000 words.
-Eligible ficlets must be between 501 and 1000 words.
-Eligible drabbles must be at least 100 and a maximum of 500 words.
-Authors and artists are not permitted to nominate themselves.
-Authors and artists may choose which penname they want to have associated with their work in the voting poll.
-Participants may nominate and vote only once. If more than one nomination and/or ballot is received from the same participant, the mods will consider those submitted first in time unless a specific request to substitute the second submission is made.
-No anonymous nominations will be accepted.
-If participants do not have a LiveJournal account, nominations or votes may be sent to to be added to the tabulation.
-All password-protected adult content will be noted.
-When making nominations, please include a working link to the story or artwork and the name of the author or artist. If at all possible, we ask that you also provide an email address for the nominee so that we may contact them via email.
-Only one piece of work per author or artist may be nominated in any one category. In the event an author or artist receives nominations for multiple stories or artwork, the nominee will have the final say in which piece he or she would like to retain the nomination.
-Nominees may only compete in a total of 4 categories each in the "Current" and the "Classics" categories (but exclusive of Best Author/Best Artist, Best Beta, and/or Overall Achievement in Fandom). If an author or artist receives more than the maximum number of nominations, the nominee will have the final say in which categories he or she would like to be included for the voting polls.
-Nominees are free to decline nominations if they so choose.
-All nominations and votes will be collected via screened LJ comments and emails to the above address and via LJ polls. Only the mods will be able to see the results until they are revealed.
Happy Nominating!! :)