He took it!

Oct 01, 2012 10:13

OH MY GOD the tattle telling!!!! Not surprising the new boy who thinks all the toys are his is the worst offender. He keeps telling me that "he took it" for all the toys. Even if he wasn't the one who had the toy taken. Even if the kid who supposedly had the toy taken away doesn't seem to mind or care. Drives.me.bonkers. Thank goodness Friday is his last day. Yep. I terminated our agreement. I can not take the crying, whining, gagging and screaming that is our days when they are here. They literally have sapped all the energy out of the day. On Friday they started in with the crying and I got so tired of it, I called their parents to come get them. Yesterday morning I got a call asking if they could come today as they were not sure, especially since it's not easy for them to leave work to get the kids (but it's easy for us to have to listen to it all day long...)...um, yeah I was not picking on you. If anyone eles's child behaved that way, they would be getting a call too. If anything I've been more lenient with you because you were new.

day care

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