ahem. In my attempt to be somewhat challenging this time (because I tend to make these quizzes REALLY easy so people won't feel terrible when they get everything wrong), I made a ridiculously hard test. whoops. sorry, dudes.
1. When did I first get involved in fandom?
... yes, I'm on my ninth year of fandom. Hardly feels like it, though. I want to be in fandom forever, especially now that I've developed the mad skillz to laugh behind my fortress of thick, forgiving skin.
2. Who was my very first OTP?
... I thought for sure I'd given this away by admitting my crush on Archangel, but I guess not. I never actually got on the Gambit/Rogue bandwagon. In fact, I spent a good many years wishing JUST ONCE that a villain would do his/her job and KILL THEM BOTH. yeesh. whine whine whine, would you like some cheese with that, and KISS ALREADY!
3. What name did I write under in comicfic and comicslash?
... yes. I named myself after an English telepath with a giant orange 'fro. I think fondly on the name, but it was also dorky, attached to too many bad stories and too long for this lazy ass to type, so I switched to Rhys for popslash, thinking I was so clever. A four-letter name would never be misspelled. sigh.
4. What genre did I think was REALLY COOL when I was a fandom newbie?
mary sue stories
all of the above
... I couldn't just do one genre that no sixteen year old should touch, but I had to take two and squeeze them together. I will forever thank the guy who emailed and said, "you know, you'd be much better without the song lyrics." And he was right, thank god, and I actually listened, thank god more. My taste for mpreg didn't develop until popslash, and I've never written a mary sue story and never will, unless it's me and the good lady Bass. (just kidding).
5. When I got into popslash, what was the first pairing I imprinted on?
... I got in right at that moment in time (approximately 16 hours and 7 minutes on a Tuesday) when choey was THE pairing, and CJ was writing Just A Pretty Boy and Ever After, and Dayse was writing awesome choey, too. and there was also that epic I'll Never Stop story, and Nsyncgrrl's All I Ever Needed with the choey side story, and yes.
6. Which pairing is really, honestly, truly my OTP?
... to the end of time, even when I claim it's something else, it will be trickyfish. I realise this was something of a trick question, and you had to hear my "till death do us part" trickyfish speech to get it, but mark my words: this answer will always be trickyfish. until I start writing mpregs and depression stories and experimental stories with the other pairings, there is no competition. ILOVETRICKYFISHSOMUCH. /vow.
7. Which pairing is last on my pairing list o' love though I really do love it, too?
... evidently, I need to write more bassez, because they're, like, tied for number four, and I'm very very weird about them, and I love them so much I cannot even put into words how much I love them. but yes, my shameful secret revealed: JoeC is number ten. I love 'em, but I can't write them, and I rarely read them. I got a little burned out on all the depressing JC-pines-Joey-so-straight-doomed-for-all-time stories. I can't even think of them happily. so sad.
8. What kink will I never, ever evereverever read?
... okay, this one was tricky. the answer is indeed BDSM. Incest was the trick question, because I'm admittedly not big on reading it, and will in fact avoid most of it, I do have a weakness for twins in fic. I don't like spanking, but I won't avoid it. And watersports, well, let's just say it's no coincidence that people pee in my stories a lot. no fear there.
9. What's my Harry Potter OTP?
... what! c'mon, they do work! sometimes. maybe a little. They just have such potential for redemption, and long fic, and plot. Harry/Ron is a close second, though, because eee, best friends, soinlove.
10. What's my Motley Crue OTP?
You don't have one yet, you popslash-abandoning loser.
... yes, I like the sarcastic funny-looking little dude with the sharp wit and the control freak who has looked the same for years. imagine that. Though Mick/Tommy's growing on me, and I wouldn't turn my nose up at some good Nikki/Tommy. Just no Vince, please. blergh.
In other news, I have more to say, but it'll have to wait. I have more of season seven of Buffy to watch, as I spent the last few days gorging myself on season six, which is, quite lamely, probably my favourite season. Also, the fourth season of Oz came out, which means I'm gonna have to watch that, too. sigh. what a terrible life I lead.