Title: Rain Check
Pairing: Heechul/Gunhee (it's complicated)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's late and Heechul's exactly where he should't be.
A/N: This isn't happy.
insp It's late and Heechul's exactly where he shouldn't be,
next to Gunhee,
on Gunhee's couch,
pressed skin to skin and arms sliding against each other with every slight movement.
They're not doing anything wrong Heechul tells himself.
Friends touch all the time.
This is safe.
This is acceptable.
He knows himself well enough to know that Gunhee could be halfway inside him and he would tell himself the same thing.
Gunhee's phone rings and it drowns out the noise of the television.
The television with the volume turned down too low for two people who are supposed to be watching it.
Heechul sees her name glowing from the phone's spot of the coffee table.
Gunhee answers and Heechul stands.
He hears Gunhee say he is alone as he sneaks on to the balcony.
It's drizzling but Heechul doesn't care much.
He can't help thinking about the position he's in.
The position they're both in.
Straddling the line between nothing and something.
And the only one that can change it is Heechul.
You say the word and it's yours.
Heechul really should leave.
It's too easy.
It's too tempting.
But he can't.
Gunhee isn't short-term for Heechul,
Gunhee is for a lifetime.
He can feel it sitting heavy in his gut,
just like it did a few years before.
Except this time everything he wants is right there.
You say the word and it's yours.
And he's too old to risk everything anymore.
There's the slide of the door behind Heechul,
but he doesn't turn.
“You're going to catch a cold you idiot.”
He's toeing the line tonight.
He's reckless even now.
Some things never change.
“I have to go.”
But they can get better.
Gunhee walks him to his car,
no umbrella.
And he calls Heechul an idiot.
Gunhee drapes his arm over the open car door after Heechul slides in.
Heechul can see he's tense,
waiting for Heechul to say the word.
“I'll see you.”
It's not the word.
Gunhee's lips thin.
He moves his arm and shuts the door for Heechul.
Heechul drives off,
waiting until Gunhee is out of sight.
He finally exhales.