101 Things to Do in 1001 Days

Dec 29, 2008 21:08

101 things to do/learn in 1001 days, so that is from the 1st of January 2009 to the 29th of September 2011. I am all for making lists lets see if I can stick to it.

1. Complete the couch to 5k program
2. Run at least 10 fun runs of 4k or more (0/10)
3. Learn Aikido
4. Learn to white water kayak
5. Have a BMI of 20 or less
6. Be able to do a one handed push-up by end of 2009
7. Be able to do 10 pull-ups by end of 2009
8. Be able to do a handstand push-up
9. Be able to hold an L-seat for 30 seconds or longer
10. Be able to hold an Elbow Lever for 30 seconds or longer

11. Go vegan
12. Have at least one raw vegan day a week
13. Try one new recipe a week
14. Try one new food/vegetable/spice/etc. a week
14. Write my own cookbook

16. Sketch every day
17. Finish off all short stories by summer 2010
18. Start writing my novel in summer 2010
19. Take part in Scriptfrenzy and win
20. Take part in NaNoWriMo and win
21. Write one haiku a day
22. Take a picture of the sunset every day during the summer months

23. Dye my hair blue
24. Shave all my hair off
25. Get my ear pierced
26. Get at least one of my tattoo designs inked (0/10)
27. Take a picture of myself every day for all 1001 days

28. Legally change my name by May 2009
29. Start T
30. Live full time at university

31. Meditate daily
32. Read from the Tao Teh Ching daily
33. Visit a temple
34. Partake in all religious holidays

Mental Health
35. Learn to let go of the past/live in the present
36. Learn to deal with emotions as an adult
37. Find healthy coping mechanisms
38. Say one nice thing about myself every morning and every evening
39. Sleep for eight hours a day
40. Be positive

41. Decline plastics bags where possible
42. Recycle, donate or reuse old clothes
43. Turn off appliances at the mains
44. Shower for no more than three minutes

45. Learn to speak French (conversational)
46. Learn to speak Mandarin Chinese (fluent)
47. Write and read in Chinese
48. Learn to program in Python
49. Learn to program in Java
50. Learn to juggle
51. Learn British sign language
52. Learn first aid

52. Continue to walk dogs at HULA whenever I am in MK
53. Give blood
54. Work at a wolf sanctuary
55. Be a camp counsellor

56. Visit remote Scotland
57. Visit Ireland
58. Visit Canada

59. Don't fall back onto old coping mechanisms
60. Do morning work out every day
61. Floss twice daily

62. Go horseback riding
63. Go on a kayaking trip
64. Go to a gay pride parade
65. Spend a week camping in Wales
66. Go a month without watching TV
67. Go a month without going on my laptop

68. Learn to sew
69. Build something useful out of wood
70. Read at least 52 new books a year (0/52)
71. Practise guitar at least three times a week
72. Practise piano at least three times a week
73. Practise bass guitar at least three times a week

74. Learn how to fix my bike
75. Create a bike tool-kit
76. Learn how to do basic car maintenance
77. Create a car tool-kit

House DIY
78. Learn how to fix common house problems
79. Learn how to fix slightly less common house problems
80. Learn how to wire a plug

81. Learn how to drive before university
82. Apply for my licence before May 2009
83. Save up enough money for my own car

Band Goals
84. Play at least three gigs with my band before university
85. Play at battle of the bands
86. Be able to sing in public

87. Treat my boyfriend to a romantic meal at once a month (0/12)
88. Try and save my relationship with my mother
89. Keep up with friends when I go to university

90. Buy a suitcase and decorate it
91. Grow herbs on a windowsill
92. Create a piece of furniture
93. Design my own t-shirt and wear it
94. Go for a walk on a frosty morning/day and take pictures
95. Donate 100,000 grains of rice via Free Rice each year (0/100,000)
96. Go to a beach in winter
97. Plant a tree
98. Buy a lottery ticket
99. Watch the sunrise/sunset from a mountain peak
100. Walk at least 10 Munroes (0/10)
101. Enjoy each and ever day (even if it is only for one thing)

101 in 1001 days, self improvement

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