Sigur Rós owns my soul

Jul 01, 2009 22:51

I just love Sigur Rós. And after listening to their song "Ára Bátur", I think you will come to love them too. Just close your eyes and let yourself's magic!
Edit: Human life is so precious and fragile at the same time...
May you rest in peace dear friend George. We love you and will always remember you ;_;

image Click to view

The song is sung in Icelandic and 'Hopelandic' a language that was invented by the band itself and is used in many of their songs. I believe that Tolkien would have been a fan of them, were he alive ;). It's only that unlike the languages that Tolkien invented, 'Hopelandic' doesn't actually have any grammar, syntax etc.It's just gibberish vocals that seem to fit the music!
I found the translated lyrics for "Ára Bátur" today and I came to adore their work even more...So here they are, in Icelandic(Hopelandic) and English:

"Ára Bátur"

Þú reyndir allt
Já, þúsundfalt
Upplifðir nóg
Komin með nóg
En það varst þú sem allt
Lést í hjarta mér
Og það varst þú sem andann aftur
Kveiktir inní mér

Ég fór, þú fórst

Þú rótar í
Í hrærivél
Allt úti um allt
En það varst þú sem alltaf varst
Til staðar fyrir mann
Og það varst þú sem aldrei dæmdir
Sannur vinur manns

Ég fór, þú fórst

Þú siglir á fljótum
Yfir á gömlum ára
Sem skítlekur
Þú syndir að landi
Ýtir frá öldugangi
Ekkert vinnur á
Þú flýtur á sjónum
Sefur á yfirborði
Ljós í þokunni


"Row Boat"

You tried everything
Yes, a thousand times
Experienced enough
Been through enough
But you it was who let everything
Into my heart
and you it was who once again
Awoke my spirit

I parted, you parted

You stir up
In a blender
Everything in disarray
But it was you who was always
There for me
It was you who never judged
My true friend

I parted, you parted

You sail on rivers
With an old oar
Leaking badly
You swim to shore
Pushed the waves away
But to no avail
You float on the sea
Sleep on the surface
Light through the fog


I read somewhere that lead-singer Jónsi wrote this song for Alex, his boyfriend...Could be true, even though I am not 100% sure. It's certainly a song about friendship, loss and the parting of ways. I also came across this update regarding their work-progress on their album "Riceboy Sleeps" dating back in February 2009...How did I miss it earlier?
Heartbreaking lyrics (for Alex) + spending time together in an isolated hut in Hawaii???
OMG!I ' m on the verge of starting to seriously fangirl those two lovebirds *_*

p.s. I think the "Row Boat" would make a perfect soundtrack for stargazing...I will try it and let you know :)

stargazing, vid, muzak

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