Title: Patchwork Heroes -Chapter Four
Author: RiaStarStruck (me!)
Rating: R
Pairing: VAM
Summary: They were just two regular teenagers for the most part, but when they meet each other they have to start dealing with the demons that lurk in their shadows. Snapshots of how they found each other, and how it became more.
Disclaimer: nope, none of the
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Comments 23
Good luck on your assignments btw :)
yay! so happy you liked it!
...yeah, that assignment... i should really keep going with that... *cries* i dont wanna!
thanks for the luck, i need it!
Loved this chapter!
i'm glad she came across as 'real' thanks for the comment!
I love Bam's protective nature of Ville, and I have to make a note on Missy's observation skills, I thought they were rather good:) Also, I am glad to see that you did NOT make Missy act like a bitch when she 'found out' Bam was not into her.
Sorry about all the rambling, but please do update soon! I had one more question; are you still looking for a beta? I would happily offer myself as one:)
i like missy, i think she's cool an didnt want to portray her as a bitch or a bimbo, and i could see her being observant, or maybe just open minded.
and yeah, i would definatly like a beta! lol, though i've never had one before and i dont know proper protocol... it would be great if you could do it!
My e-mail is: ifollowmyownpath@hotmail.com
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