☘ 007; [action; mainly dated to 6/6]

Jun 07, 2011 18:30

[action; morning of 6/6; outside 1335 Benny Rd.]

[He knew what it was before he even opened the package. There was never any mistake when it came to sensing the cursed energy that weapon radiated. And sure enough, moments later Lancer found himself with his hand closed securely around a crimson spear older than even he could imagine. Oh, how he'd missed it. Garviel's spear was expertly made and a beautiful weapon, but this was his Noble Phantasm, the signature weapon of Ireland's hound.]

[Gáe Bolg, the spear granted to him by Scathach in the Country of Shadows. The weapon she taught only Cú Chulainn how to use.]

[...The very same lance that had taken the lives of his only son Connla and only friend Ferdiad.]

[But that was the past, and there was no sense in blaming a lance for the mistakes of its wielder. The fault laid with the foolish knight holding the weapon, certainly not the weapon itself. It was his decisions that led to that end, and Servant Lancer could find no fault in the spear that inverted cause and effect.]

[Except for one thing at the moment: he couldn't use it properly. Not with the amount of magical energy this human body had. It was difficult even to use runes in this state. But Lancer was fortunate; his Noble Phantasm was the most efficient there was. A small amount of prana in exchange for a certain--near certain kill. His best estimate was that he could activate it twice in one day. Three if he pushed himself, and four if he planned on risking his life.]

[There was a smile on his face as he rested the legendary weapon against his shoulder. It was a familiar weight and balance, one that was as much a part of him as his own arm. Human or not, he was catching up to the rest of those from Fuyuki, and that was a pretty good feeling.]

[phone; afternoon of 6/6; locked to Zero Lancer]

Diarmuid? You're never going to believe what I just got sent to me. [His voice sounded unusually eager, making it obvious that there was a huge grin on his face.] If you're not busy, meet me in the park this afternoon.

[action; afternoon of 6/6; park]

[Today, as with most other days, Lancer would be found in the park with a lance. Though he did at least make an attempt to stay out of sight of casual passerby, being seen training was never a big concern for him. Half the town knew his name, so what else did he really have to hide? If someone wanted to find and exploit his weaknesses, let them. Might make for an interesting match.]

[This day, at any rate, was a little different. While the usual lance he had in Mayfield was stabbed into the ground right at his side, the one Lancer held at that moment was a dark shade of red with very clear traces of magical energy around it. Dark, cursed, deadly energy. Not the type one normally screws around with.]

Tch...what a miserable amount of prana. [He muttered under his breath with a faint scowl, twirling the lance around in one hand--it was heavier than he recalled, but he'd blame the human body again.] Suppose it really can't be helped, I'll just have to get by.

[action; afternoon of 6/7; various]

[Unarmed and completely casual, there is an oddly cheerful heroic spirit-turned-human walking around Mayfield. The incidents of sudden widespread murder and so on had shaken him, truthfully, but only a little. It was nothing he couldn't brush off because that was what a knight was meant to do. His own problems were insignificant if those around him needed help, which quite a few of them seemed to.]

[So brushing it off was exactly what he did, returning to as normal a life as one could get in this town. Today, as with quite a few other days, he was a former Servant looking for his Master. Partly to check and make sure she was doing alright, partly to make sure Connla hadn't done anything insane, and...well, he did have a third reason. But that was something he'd keep to himself for now.]

[It was entirely possible that while tracking down the loud tsundere, he just walked right by you. Approach?]

nope still human, tsunderes love gemstones, causality is for wusses, how did this post get so long, ☆diarmuid, murderhound's a-stabbin', ☆rin, break out the loaded dice, training montage is imminent, this deer is teal in color, magic time, adamantium woobie, tl;dr i can stab shit, ☆gilgamesh

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