30 Drabble Challenge: Theme #10 Silver
Series: Soul Eater
Pairing/Character(s): Patty Thompson, one-sided Kid/Maka,
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Patty dreams in color. Scythe!Maka Partial-AU
Word Count: 188
Note: More scythe!Maka. Connected to most of the other themes.
Patty likes to dream in colors.
Her favorite dreams are yellow. They’re bright and happy, filled with suns and giraffes and the feeling of home.
Her least liked dreams are gray. They’re dull and lifeless and swallow all of the other colors.
These dreams are about New York. Patty knows she’ll never erase the gray in her so, but she still tries to fight it with the red and the yellow.
Red is action, quick anger, passion, and a lack of thinking. Red is easy.
But lately, Patty dreams of silver.
It’s kind of like gray. It hides the other colors and makes Patty very sad. But it’s also bright and shiny and warm.
It’s not cold like gray.
Patty doesn’t like the silver. She’s pretty sure it means change.
Change is dangerous.
During the day she watches Kid stare at Maka and all she can see is silver silver silver.
So she gets mad and draws and does anything to try to make the silver go away.
For now it’s working, but in her dreams, the silver always wins in the end.
Patty hates that silver scythe.