Jul 11, 2005 19:24
If i can find a job within reasonable driving distance from Clearwater, FL... I can take a $10/hr pay cut and live the same way I live up north... Me making like $35k/year here is like me making $60K up north because shit is that much cheaper and theres no state tax taken from checks
Jul 10, 2005 21:01
If I dont find a job up north by labor day weekend i'm moving to FL that weekend. Mostly cause i won't be able to afford to live up there anymore.
Until then i'll still search up there and down here for jobs.
Jul 04, 2005 12:13
Fl's fun so far... Lots of drinking... Went and saw Craze and Rap last night in Tampa with Jared (Sobi). Got in around 3:30 and was up at 9am putting a roof on the garage here. Man it's hot. I need food.
Jul 02, 2005 19:34
list 5 things you do when alone that relax you completely. then tag 5 people and have them post their five things in their journal.
1. sleep
2. listen to music
3. take a long drive *I just drove to FL :P*
4. masturbate
5. watch tv
2 Katie
3 KT
4 DJ
5 Matt
Jul 02, 2005 19:29
I made it to Florida in one piece... It's hot... People should come hang out.
Jun 21, 2005 23:15
So i just got liad off/fired... They found out i was looking for a new job and said leave.
got $5k in checks from them... Still need to cash in my stock options which should be another $2500-$5000... so thats 3 months worth of pay (bring home)... Hope can collect unemployment too..
Be a nice little vacation... I think i'll goto Bartending school
Jun 09, 2005 17:42
Work was actually fun today.........
It consisted of a 2 hour lunch and a $150 bar tab between me and 3 engineers..
Jun 02, 2005 22:05
Man I hate it when I meet a girl that I can't stop thinking of then have no balls at all to ask her out =(
May 30, 2005 15:29
My roomate used the line "I'm Warchild's roomate" last night to pick up chicks.. How hot is that?