thats funny, becuase who are you to judge what people think before you know them? Seriously, don't comment me with shit you have not even a clue about and I hope you didn't want me to add you because its not being done.
youare the teeth and lungsdrownusatbirthJanuary 19 2004, 12:10:06 UTC
yeah, cause i wanna add somebody with the fag from goodcharlotte in their icon. if i wanted to add you i would have asked you nicely, you know like what nice human being would do, to an other human being. I just wanted to voice my opinion on how ridiculous gc and mest are, and i did...soooo scoreeeee niggggguh. we both have "hating mest" in our interests, otherwise i proably wouldnt have even found this shit.
Re: youare the teeth and lungsrichardmarxismJanuary 19 2004, 12:34:23 UTC
you're seriously full of shit if you think I will care about you talking shit about 2 bands that I like, grow up and learn that people don't a fuck about your opinion and if I did care I would ask. You are seriously just making yourself look like a dumbass.
Comments 14
PS go to more DOH shows; I miss you
this is my new journal, so add it if you want.
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