Mar 13, 2007 10:11
Some random free sweets in the office have made me notice they're removed the element of russian roulette from Revels, no peanuts!
Feb 09, 2007 11:30
OK, Al's bored so suggests pub trip this evening, Howcroft anyone from 7:30-8ish?
Dec 01, 2006 13:54
Primarilly for Bolton area people.....
Howcroft this evening anyone? I fancy some beer.....
Oct 27, 2006 10:00
No trains running this morning and no replacement bus or anything. So I cycled into Manchester... Just what I needed first thing in the morning, it took most of an hour to get there on my crap bike but at least it wasn't raining.....
Oct 20, 2006 09:10
Alison is abroad this weekend so don't phone her mobile......