SET 02
angryteabag [03 votes]
Please stick around for voting! ♥
People's choice: TIE
lunglock [03 votes]
kimus_mwah [03 votes]
SET 01
SET 02
SET 03
SET 04
[N = Negative votes & P = Positive votes]
SET 01 -
lunglock - N = 0/P = 3
--- 02]
[x] "great contrast, great crop, just an overall classy icon."
[x] Positive [No comment.]
[x] Positive [No comment.]
SET 02 -
angryteabag - N = 3/P = 0
[x] "the crops are actually okay, but the quality of the pictures used for these icons apparently weren't the best. they look either squeezed and/or pixelated"
[x] "The first icon is a bit oversharpened, the coloring is a bit dull - overall the icon is too plain. The second icon is much too yellow."
[x] "The icons quality are low and colouring dull."
SET 03 -
kimus_mwah - N = 2/P = 3
[x] "cropping is good in both cases, but the contrast is also too high and both are oversharpened. The font in icon 5 also doesn't quite fit--it seems to happy-go-lucky for the mood the icon sets otherwise."
[x] "Unoriginal cropping on second icon."
--- 05]
[x] "Love the font, and the textures used."
[x] Positive [No comment.]
[x] Positive [No comment.]
SET 04 -
semi_subtle - N = 1/P = 0
[x] "Both icons are a little dark and no.8 is too blue in colour."
Participants Status
The following people are still in the contest. If you're name is not in this list, it means you have been eliminated/disqualified.
a_mesmerizedkimus_mwahlunglockphistolemon_semi_subtle Thank you to all who participated in the challenge and voting.
A new challenge will be put up soon.