Cycle 4 - Challenge 07 - Voting

Sep 28, 2008 20:09

Disqualified: phistolemon_ & semi_subtle

---- Anyone can vote.
---- Vote for 2 icons of lesser quality (the ones you want to vote off).
---- You must leave a valid reason for each icon.
---- No personal preferences in your votes please. You are to vote for the general quality of the icon, colours, text placement/font choice, originality and creativity etc. Examples:

"Bad" reasons:
#1: I don't like tiny text.
#60: I hate the colour green.

"Good" reasons:
#100: The icon is oversharpened and low quality.
#77: The text is poorly placed and the cropping is off.

---- Also vote for your 1 favourite icon. Reason is optional.
---- Keep your icons anonymous until the winners are announced!
---- You must be signed in to vote, and don't get anyone to vote for you.







Voting template:
# - reason
# - reason
# - reason [optional]

PLEASE make sure your negative comments are constructive and non-insulting.
Also, try not to use "I" at all in your comments (you can when you comment on your favourite icon of course), as the negative votes are to be non-preferential. Thank you!

Also, xenylamine has written a great tutorial for voting on LIMS, here! ^_^

Deadline: Tuesday, 4th November, 4.00/16.00 GMT

voting, cycle 4

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