So I decided to put up my own radio station. Its dedicated to all forms of EDM, but will probably mostly be trance since that is what I have the most of. If anyone wants to put up some of their material or mixes, let me know, even if its techno, industrial, french house, etc...
Station is here. You will need Winamp to listen to this station.
Oct 03, 2004 02:59
your up late and bored, my set is up on the CW internet radio now
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Mar 04, 2003 09:56
Was thinking I'll put my 2 mixes up on Soul Seek for a day or two again
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Oct 28, 2002 13:22
I was just thinking about all the times that we have shared secrets and quiet whispers in the dark and I wanted to tell you how muck I love that and how special it makes me feel to be able to share special moments with you like that.
Love you sooooo much!
Noe go to DCS and read some more!
Oct 15, 2001 14:02
Man, Been forever since I posted here. My computer has been down for some time getting a major overhaul. Just dumped in a new Asus 266 DDR m-board with a AMD Athlon 1000mhz chip. Pumped up the mem to 256 megs with that nifty new DDR memory. Threw in a new ATI Radeon 64 meg video card and got a new case for it all for under $300. The dirt mall
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