(no subject)

Feb 23, 2006 22:28

rick- giant satelite dish in north carolina
jeff - i built this satellitle dish

rick- more giant dishes
jeff - this satellitle dish called me a yankee

rick-in the home depot parking lot moments after i fixed jeffs guitar strap.
jeff - rick was teaching me how to spin my guitar properly. you have to use a lot of force and hurl it straight down, this way it goes parallel to your body. i never got the one right where you throw it right, but i'm a champ at throwing it over my shoulder. the north carolinians who were watching me do this would probably not refer to me as a champion.

rick-driving the van somewhere in north carolina

rick-matt kurz and a shovel
jeff - this shovel was in my van because there was TWO FEET of snow before I left for this tour and I was gonna have to dig it out. I didn't need to take it with us to florida though. No snow here, son.

rick-handstands and spin kicks boyee!
jeff-look at him go! later on he luged on this board down a hill and a car almost hit him. i think that's on you tube somewhere. if you're on you tube, check out the band the monks... it's AMAZING. alright, i'm ramblin'.

rick-hand bleeding after the marrow hill accident
jeff-i felt bad because I TOTALLY encouraged rick to do this. sorry, dude.

rick-jeff sitting on a chair that was probably consumed in piss
jeff-maxin' and relaxin', under a bridge, by a punkhouse, soaked in urine.

rick-me sleeping on a small couch for comedy!
jeff-wait for it... wait for it.......

rick-matt making fun of the fact that he is sleeping on a giant couch while i sleep on a tiny couch
jeff-GET IT!,SON!!!!

rick- laura stevenson with powdered sugar trying to make it look like she is on coke.
jeff-edit: laura stevenson on coke.

rick- florida!
jeff-laura and i trying to get a tan. there's a way awesomer picture where the both of us have a lot of money and are really successful musicians, but rick didn't put that one up.

rick-my hand trying to heel.
jeff-rick's hand, day two, boyeee. that shit was oozin'.

rick- equipment in a dusty parking lot
jeff-we played opposite NOFX in orlando. as you can see, the show wasn't well attended.

rick- swiming in the gulf!
jeff-yeah, dude. NOT ONE SHARK ATTACK!!!!! GYPED!!!! CHEATED!!!! REFUNDREQUESTD'1!!!!!!

jeff- matt kurz zwan in hiz boxerz

rick-super man!
jeff-this dude came up to us and said "hey, man. there's a heated swimming pool where you can clean off all this salt water." this douchebag in the cape said "no, we should go to the show." later on we found out that the people at this show figured we weren't even coming because we showed up so late. SORRY, ST. PETE! THEM'S THE BREAKS!!!

click for video
rick- me luging and almost getting hit by a car.
jeff- remember when i talked about this before!!!! here it is!!! in living color!!!

click for video
jeff-watch after the accident, because there is a radical rock face!
rick-this is the video of me messing up my hand. i think i needed stitches.....but thems the breaks!

-and jeff.
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