I was really meh about it at first, and then I started thinking about it, and if you think about the characters, most likely Martha's pediatrician would have gone out trying to save the world from the Daleks while Martha was with UNIT. And the last we see of Mickey is him walking off with Jack & Martha. So we can presume that maybe he was aorund when she found out her fiance was all dead and stuff from the daleks. Because (Tom Milligan?) totally would have resisted. And then, MIckey being Mickey totally would have consoled her, and then, the two of them knowing what's out there in the universe would have brought them closer, so I can see how they got together, but I wish it had been on screen.
As for Jake, I'm just irritated that he was left out of Journey's End. However, it was unlikely Jake and Mickey would have gotten together since this iteration of Mickey Smith is straight, and Jake acknowledged that Mickey could never replace Rickey.
Wasn't time reversed from that Dalek thing so it never happened to anyone but Martha and her family?
chh yeah, Jake should have at least been mentioned in earlier episodes, like, why Mickey is no longer hanging out with him. I assume he was still in the other dimension though, so he couldn't have been visited. I just want to know he's not dead and killed by cybermen or something.
No, the time was reversed from the Master & the toclafane, so that only Martha & her family remembered. She met Tom Milligan after that. The Dalek thing was the year later. Journey's End, with the Dalek invasion & planets in the sky & Mickey coming back was the end of season 4. Martha & Jack & the Master & the Doctor was the end of season 3
Oh that's right. It's all muddled up in my head. But we had no evidence of Tom dying right? Okay I just found it on Youtube. And yeah they do just walk off after Jack is talking about Torchwood to Martha... no mention of a fiancee, but I just assumed that she'd be off to see him again soon. She had him in the start of those episodes!
Comments 6
As for Jake, I'm just irritated that he was left out of Journey's End. However, it was unlikely Jake and Mickey would have gotten together since this iteration of Mickey Smith is straight, and Jake acknowledged that Mickey could never replace Rickey.
chh yeah, Jake should have at least been mentioned in earlier episodes, like, why Mickey is no longer hanging out with him. I assume he was still in the other dimension though, so he couldn't have been visited. I just want to know he's not dead and killed by cybermen or something.
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