I suppose that if I’m going to fancy myself a working class man, I ought to work. In addition, I could use the money. In addition to that addition, I absolutely needed to get a job so that my parents would leave me the fuck alone. In my household, you’re approximately worth your paycheck. Fucking Protestant Ethic from my father’s side of the
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Comments 4
Does this mean you get free Hess trucks too?! Probably your holiday bonus.
I myself have no job, despite applying everywhere (even Hess stations). We shall see how this progresses as time goes on.
additionally, how does one "hotbox" a tent, exactly?
in addition to that addition, congrats (again) and welcome to the world of strange and amusing summer employment. my condolences to those who've yet to experiece such things.
Hotbox (v):
1: To seal off a room or vehicle so no smoke escapes while enjoying marijuana. Not neccessarily the state of the room once it is filled with said smoke. Once smoke has filled the space it is simply said to be "smokey in here"
"Wanna hotbox?" *rolls up window*
2: the act of smoking marijuana in a vehicle or room until it is filled with smoke.
we smoked a blunt in the S500, it was hotboxed in 5 minutes.
Knowledge is power.
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