I play tennis daily now for an hour! I have speed and can return a ball from anywhere! With one hand! I underserve it. I can and will switch my racket into my other hand. I can hit backwards and make over the net!
OOO! I HAVE AN IDEA!!! Leeann,Cam,Chobie,Dennis,and Brian! Lets create our own team! YOu know like in "The Prince of Tennis"
I REMEMBER HOW TO POST THE PICS! THANKS FOR THE IDEA LEEANN! Sadly my comp is having technical diffcluties..... I will be getting a DSL internet!!! TEnnis once again....Still gotta paractice O ya. I learneing good songs on the guitair!
This isn't how i wanted to post...... Man this pisses me off on how much stuff i had to do. Go to cousins's house Water park swim class slepover go to other cousins
Today is my cousin's birthday.Sadly he had went on a trip to NJ. I am thinking of calling him and saying happy b-day. Well i am feeling lonely, since a bunch of my friends havn't looged on aim for awhile
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